Morning LInkage (Jul 10)

Good morn­ing y’all. Lots of links today, good for a slow summer
Friday. Let’s get start­ed shall we?

More busi­ness card tom­fool­ery. Better than that chem­istry set you had
as a kid. It’s a dark detector.

Much ear­li­er tech. Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace start in their own
com­ic (Sydney Padua is very, well just very)

The parts of sev­ens — sev­en animals…

…who can fly (but are not birds, or bugs, or bats)

…who changed his­to­ry (FSVO)

Some ani­mals, some oth­er things. all edi­ble. (Maybe.)

House and Home:

Massive col­lec­tion of info on win­dow film. Which besides being cool is
um, cool. Here most­ly so that I can send it to one of the thou­sands of
(liar) peo­ple who get this via BCC.

I have chalk­board pan­els on the front of my fridge. It makes life in a
two per­son we don’t see each oth­er while coher­ent for most of the week
pos­si­ble. Here are two more slight­ly less spa­cious chalk boards.

For a sim­pler life, a to-do list I can han­dle. I can’t fig­ure out if
these are for sale or not. They should be.

Taking your sprog to the gro­cery store. Make him earn his keep by
car­ry­ing the list. (What! $35.00)

Then you can put him to work in the kitchen. (Flat pack fur­ni­ture hack­ing, yay)

Then while your boy is doing the dish­es the girls can get on with the
impor­tant work of upset­ting the bal­ance of power.

One of the things that the larg­er Kindle DX has promised is access to
mate­r­i­al that does­n’t work well in the trade paper­back for­mat that the
kin­dle 2 was aim­ing for. One I did­n’t fore­see is sheet music. Growing
up parts of the house were over­run with the stuff and no-one could
find their own or remem­ber which of the huge cheater tomes contained
what. (Mr. Biggs taste in music is questionable.)

From music to pictures.

The ques­tion of pho­tographs and real­i­ty par­tic­u­lar­ly in journalism.
David W. pro­vides a few words and a set of links to some thoughtful

The National Portrait Galley (UK) has a show that I want to see: Gay
Icons. Portraits of influ­en­tial peo­ple (not all gay) cho­sen by a panel
of 10 influ­en­tial gay peo­ple. The web­site shows only two of those
por­traits. But the show is impor­tant enough to mer­it men­tion and I’m
going to order the catalog.

The part of 35s …

… 35 cool pho­tog­ra­phy sites on the web. There goes my week­end and
illu­sion that I might some­day have a wor­thy port­fo­lio site.

… love the spark­ly stars and poof­ing clouds and it’s all things
kit­ty. Happy 35th you evil beast.

’til Monday my good peo­ple. Stay safe.
