Morning Linkage (Dec 7)


American Motor Drome and the Wall of Death. And a woman named Sam who rides a ’31 Indian.

Hitting the pages of the WSJ means some­thing. In this case that motor­cy­cles have blipped the radar of the rich and love­ly. A cou­ple of nice pics and some commentary.

BMW goes with black and white graph­ics and a splash of red to pro­mote the S1000RR. The design­er has­n’t a clue. To wit: “We want­ed to avoid the typ­i­cal man­ga style, as it wasn’t aggres­sive enough to por­tray the per­son­al­i­ty of the S1000RR.” Not sure how such nice work could have come from some­one with such a lim­it­ed knowl­edge of the work of so many tal­ent­ed man­ga illustrators.

Kimi Raikkonen has one foot in the door of the WRC. ’nuff said.


Society and Tech, Culture

The ACTA treaty is shap­ing up (in the dark…) to be a mon­u­men­tal dis­as­ter for artis­tic and tech­ni­cal inno­va­tion. No doubt the US big con­tent and their lack­eys the US gov­’t are right to fear sunlight.

And they’re doing it at the behest of scum like these record com­pa­nies who dai­ly rip off artists under the exist­ing sys­tem. Protecting whom?

If you found fun­ny tan­gles in your horse’s mane and tail recent­ly you might want to start a neigh­bor­hood witch hunt. But most­ly the My Little Pony pic is adorable.


Images, Illustration Photography

Jean-Jacques Sempé pro­vid­ed cov­ers and car­toons for the New Yorker mag­a­zine dur­ing it’s glo­ry days. A gallery in Paris brings togeth­er 48 of them.

Lovely sketch and expla­na­tion of the infor­mal traf­fic code that allows so many cars to share so many nar­row roads and alleys in Korea.

A mar­velous­ly sur­re­al build­ing wall in Rotterdam by Brazilian Dalata

Benja Harney makes paper art for adver­tis­ing and edi­to­ri­als. These wings became part of a Hermes Christmas win­dow dis­play. Lots more work on his blog.

Another Hermes win­dow dis­play. A video image of an actress blows on the real scarf which gen­tly sways. The illu­sion is lovely.

I’m sav­ing up my quar­ters for a 50mm lens that I can crank all the way up (down?) to 1.4f, This col­lec­tion of images shows why I’ve got glass lust. (SFW)

Happy very chilly Monday my dears.
