Morning Linkage (Dec 18)


Henrik Toth is weird. His hack is awe­some.

Shiny, blocky, inter­est­ing sur­face treat­ments. Yeah the Batman mention
is unavoid­able, but it’s bad ass none the less. Lamborghini Ankonian
con­cept car.

Chopper wiring dia­gram. Because we all need a lit­tle help with
remem­ber­ing where the coil goes in the cir­cuit. (Page down — stupid
big header.)



Maybe the can­dy bar (rec­tan­gu­lar) cell phone is not the best shape
for our portable data devices in the future. Sweet mock up of the UI
as well.



Before the fan­ny packs and Andrea Bocelli con­certs, your par­ents (and
grand­par­ents) were once free-wheeling, fashion-forward, and super
awe­some.” Sweet tum­blr of old pho­tos. My Parents Were Awesome. Video
inter­views and com­men­tary in the side bar.


Art, Image, and Design

Another cream pitch­er that’s a nice visu­al chuck­le.


Stephan Doitschinoff’s take on reli­gious mot­tos and icons. I love this
St. Thomas. (there are more)

Ben Roberts pho­tographs peo­ple in places. I sug­gest you spend time
with Over Dark Waters (ice fish­ing in Ont) and Superpit (min­ing in

Morning Linkage is going on win­ter break. See you all in 2010.
