Morning Linkage (Dec 10)


I adore the rear fend­er on this Bonneville cus­tom. New builder too, hmmm.

Mad Max, 1979. I only kind of got the bike thing back then; I wanted
the black inter­cep­tor. Lots of peo­ple loved the bikes. Especially
Goose’s police bike, liked it enough to build repli­cas. Lots of them.
A sum­ma­ry and a bunch of pointers.

A word of warn­ing for those liv­ing a lit­tle south of the hooved rat
zone. Anyone here hit a pen­guin?



Exploiting the exist­ing nature of your mate­ri­als is a hall­mark of
con­sid­ered design. Here wine bar­rels are recy­cled into stools. Not at
all what you’re expecting.

NMS. Nature Matching System. A pub­lic art project and a palette based
on pro­duce. Food through anoth­er lens. There’s not a col­or here that
would­n’t be nice on your walls.

I’ve post­ed the occa­sion­al point­er to cool ship­ping con­tain­er reuses.
WebUrbanist has a round up of 20 such. Hours of brows­ing and

Sugar is good! Just ask Mary. Watusi, favorite word of the day.


Art, Image, Illustration

How can run­ning out of gas be so roman­tic? Jonathan Viner’s lovely
Noble Pursuit. (It’s worth click­ing through to his full — flash -

I’m going to spend more time look­ing at Patrick Hoelck’s por­traits.  A
selec­tion on Modern Met high­lights his use of dark, inky shad­ows.

The full set of por­traits and much, much more on his port­fo­lio site.

Letter press trad­ing cards. The seal is for marks­man­ship and the
goril­la is for sand rac­ing. It’s about a cat. (hint: card #7)

Off you go my dears, play nice­ly with one anoth­er today.
