Morning Linkage (Aug 25)


The scram­bler is a great idea for a week­end toy. Here Touratech
cre­ates a mod­ern take on the theme using a BMW F800.

Texting and dri­ving is a bad idea. How can any­one think that building
traf­fic mashups while on the go is a good idea.



Sunspots and solar mag­net­ic changes fas­ci­nate me. That the things that
hap­pen on such a small (rel­a­tive) scale on the sun can have such huge
effects on earth seems improb­a­ble. We may get to have out own little
ice age.



Next time (huh?) I end up with an arm in cast I’m going to demand one
of these. I’m think­ing the pur­ple camo is nice.‑c.html

One the eBook front. The race is on and now we all have to live
through a cou­ple of years of com­pet­ing devices and for­mats as well as
the attempts by var­i­ous com­pa­nies to wrest exclu­sive distributing
deals out of pub­lish­ers. Ad nau­se­um. Here’s the latest.

Flat World Knowledge a pub­lish­er of text books just fin­ished up a beta
test of a pro­gram that lets you read that 400 page tome for free
on-line. You can get more portable/useful ver­sions for a price. (Still
below that of the tra­di­tion­al dead-tree ver­sion.) They are striving
for device independence.

Two new devices:

Irex will be bring­ing out an e‑reader to go with the new Barnes and
Noble e‑book store.

Sony’s newest read­ers launched this morn­ing. Some include wire­less and
one ver­sion has a touch screen. I’m not entire­ly clear on what the
Library Finder does. I’ll let you know when I know. Crunch Gear’s live
cov­er­age of the announcements.

Now that we have so many choic­es in read­ing devices here’s a list of
sources for free books. Often you get what you pay for but a free copy
of Sherlock Holmes can make an O’Hare lay­over bearable.


Home Ec and Some Silliness.

There’s no way Future President Moss can eat enough baby goop to keep
us all in baby food jars for work­shop stor­age. I found this exam­ple of
using those CD spin­dle packs for shop storage.

Speaking of sprogs. If you’re the one in cubi­cle land with­out an
excuse to leave ear­ly on Friday for junior’s soc­cer game here’s a

Art, Design, and Popular Culture

In Philadelphia 50 walls fac­ing the Market Street Elevated will be
paint­ed with love letters.
Cyanatrendland has a descrip­tion of the project.‑love-letter-for-you-street-art/
The blog fea­tur­ing all of the paint­ings (in progress) is here.

Just as soon as they come out with the bik­er ver­sion of these little
desk­top friends I’m get­ting one. Maybe more.

I’m feel­ing gen­er­ous toward my Y enhanced friends this morning.

Mort Kunstler did cov­ers for the men’s adven­ture mag­a­zines in the
60’s. Wicked awe­some and SFW. Though gen­er­al­ly lurid and tacky. Yum.

Almost SFW — depends in whether you could get away with the Stihl
gi’me cal­en­dar. George Petty’s 1947 cal­en­dar girls. Giggle-icious.

And for those of us XXs. A brief arti­cle on the flap­per phe­nom­e­na. The
vin­tage pho­tos are worth a look.

