
Auto-topia pro­vides tons of links to cov­er­age of Mon­ter­rey. And this
sweet pic­ture of a BMW Iset­ta 300. A few oth­er nota­bles in the slide
show as well. The descrip­tion of the 523 Jag C‑Type as bux­om is dead

Sweet 1916(?) Miche­lin poster. The com­ments are worth a read as well.
At least until they reach the inevitable BB con­clu­sion “Duck in the
face at…”


The Visu­al Arts

A nice vin­tage pho­to of a cabaret cast on hols. (Point­ed out by Amy
C.) Mov­ing back­wards in the pool there is a col­lec­tion of ban­jo player
pix. No doubt why Amy was there in the first place.

David Lan­ham does child­ish (in the nicest pos­si­ble way) vec­tor art.
Nav­i­gate by click­ing on the tiny fav­i­cons in the left pan­el. Here a
tree reacts to change from fall to win­ter about the way I do.

Things I don’t think I need­ed to know. Graf­fi­ti artists use specially
con­coct­ed spray paints man­u­fac­tured by the likes of Upper Playground
and Mon­tana. For a lim­it­ed time you can order your professional
van­dal­ism tools in these cus­tom cans.


Lit­er­a­ture and Booze

Yup in one post. War­ren Ellis points us to the Jura Writ­ers Retreat.

Okay the real site is here. But War­ren is funnier.


If you’ve got­ten as tired of the Indus­tri­al Design­ers “Design can save
the world” cant. You’ll like the last item in this list of things
IDers should stop doing. (Con­tains a naughty word)

Absti­nence porn reach­es a new low. Can­dies — the brand that’s brought
you some of the finest strip­per shoes aimed at teens and twenty
some­things — uses sexy to sell, well, not hav­ing sex


Sci­ence and Animation

Stu­dents of  Brown Uni­ver­si­ty biol­o­gy prof Casey Dunn are producing
video pod­casts about top­ics in zool­o­gy. Here’s the first, a discussion
of iri­des­cence in squid. The top­ic is cool, the sci­ence is cool, the
sci­en­tists are cool, and the ani­ma­tion will make you giggle.‑1

that’s all for today
