Morning Linkage (Sept 14)


The Atom Bomb Doctor Who. Naming con­ven­tion remains a mys­tery but the
bike is yummy.

1861 United does a series of pun­ning ads for Yamaha. Love ’em.

For a retro moto look, an album cov­er.



The Benthic Rover does for the ocean floor what Spirit and Opportunity
are doing for Mars. Only cool­er, and there’s video.



We all know the dan­gers of spy ware but did you imag­ine that Sears and
K‑Mart would be gross offend­ers? Just sign up for a few spe­cial deals,
get $10 — and reveal your kinks, online phar­ma­cy orders, and bank
bal­ance to the retail giants.

UT Austin’s fresh­ly dig­i­tized Poe archives. Search for” raven” and
find sheet music, illus­tra­tions, and manuscripts.

I trav­el; I look at rivers and dams. I might change my mind and plan a
world tour based on vis­it­ing these 10 coolest play­grounds.



Microwave pop­corn bags have no style what-so-ever. This award winning
con­cept could change that. Stylin’ and delicious.

I like yel­low, maybe not this much yel­low, but DHL gets a lot out of
yel­low. Or in this case a lot into yel­low.


Art, Images, and Illustration

Modern sculp­tures invade the grounds of Versailles. The pur­ple
are awesome.

More whim­si­cal and charm­ing from under the sea. Meomi’s house
fea­tures the new Octonauts adven­ture. And a cou­ple of thou­sand other
bits of cot­ton can­dy —  mouse around.

Jessica Fortner’s illus­tra­tions are the end result of a long, exacting
process that com­bines mod­el build­ing with pho­to com­post­ing. Her
newest, the first in the“My Woodlands, My Nightmare” series, is at the
top of her blog. Scrolling down will show you how she did it. (And,
no, a bear under and umbrel­la is not in the least bit night­mar­ish. A
few of the ear­li­er pieces are)

Monday seems to be visu­al irony day. Here David Trautrimas paints
unique hous­es based on com­mon gadgets.

La Carrera Panamericana, rac­ing at it’s most bru­tal­ly unsophisticated.
Photographed by Coop. In black and White. 600+ images. Day-waster.

More black and white good­ness. The LIFE archives serve up a slide show
of New York City in the 1940’s.



Making your day just a lit­tle hap­pi­er. 8 ani­ma­tors pro­vide a roller
coast­er ride
for a lit­tle rab­bity fel­low set  to a pop song from New
Zealand. (SFW + audio)

until tomor­row comrades,
