Better Explained — This is what the web can be.

Better Explained is a web site cre­at­ed by Kalid Azad based on the idea that 

There’s always a bet­ter way to explain a top­ic. Insights are flu­id, muta­ble, and work for dif­fer­ent people. 

He focus­es on math and pro­gram­ming (web tech­nolo­gies) with a lit­tle bit of the kitchen sink thrown in.

His abil­i­ty to use a nar­ra­tive voice and the free­dom to add graph­ics put these expla­na­tions in a dif­fer­ent cat­e­go­ry from the more author­i­ta­tive voic­es heard on wikipedia but avoid the we have every­thing and here’s five ads too feel of

His Another Look at Prime Numbers takes the oth­er­wise for math freaks only top­ic of these odd­ly behav­ing num­bers and looks at them from a very dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive Chemistry. Odd and amus­ing and like­ly to stay with you for while. 

While some experts quib­ble with a few of his state­ments. (Politely.) The ideas are made clear for the lay­man — and read­ing the com­ments will show you where the lit­tle gaps were cov­ered over.

Nice job.

I’ve got his two arti­cles on ver­sion con­trol queued up for “wait­ing around for oth­er peo­ple” reading. 


One reply on “Better Explained — This is what the web can be.”

  1. Hi, thanks for the won­der­ful review! I’m glad you’ve found the site use­ful, it’s a lot of fun to write (and have the free­dom to be as goofy as you want).

    Yep, there’s always crit­ics out there, but I like to keep a quote in mind when writing:

    A man would do noth­ing if he wait­ed until he could do it so well that no one could find fault.”

    -John Henry Newman


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