Morning Linkage (Jul 30)

Velorex, CB360T, if Picas­so built cars, Deter­min­ism or free will, Hux­e­ly or Orwell, essays to read, Empire Mar­ket­ing Board posters love­ly mid-Deco, crow on a wall, card­board mon­ster arms, The Lost Thing (fri­day animation)

Morning Linkage (Jul 28)

Today’s cus­toms: xs650 x2, Hon­das — a Hawk and a Rebel. Japan­ese under-the-bed mon­sters, upmar­ket Sharpie, CA coast water­col­ors, intaglio print of James Jean’s Dive. Boy meets girl with a lit­tle help from freinds with spray paint.

Morning Linkage (Jul 7)

Ama­toya fire­fight­ing vehi­cle, Yama­ha DT‑1, and the 2011 Dakar Ral­ly vid. 50’s Kab­ul, city in a crate, WORM advances, ornate French fur­ni­ture, card­board steam­punk, mon­sters in Japan, danc­ing paint chips.

Morning Linkage (Jul 6)

If it weighs 800 pounds can it real­ly be a go-cart? Bosozuko cul­ture — cars and bikes, Bernardet side­cars, but­ter­flies and fire flies, sci­ence jobs, Peter Tyalor rolly-pollys, Demu­nd Dulac illus­tra­tions and the adven­tures of a lost bear. Kooky Returns.