I have recently wasted two days on a not-so-good book. It’s not the 5 or so hours that I spent reading the not-so-good book that I regret. It’s the time I spent trying to decide what to write about the not-so-good book, indeed whether to write about it at all. Time spent reading (almost?) anything isn’t wasted. Even if all I learn from a book is what the not-so-good thinking on a particular subject looks like I have gotten some value for my time. The time I spent thinking further about the not-so-good book, however, is time that I could have spent thinking about something more interesting.
gratitude for annie lamott’s SFD
I will always be grateful to Annie Lamott for introducing me to the concept of “Shitty First Drafts” in Bird by Bird. I am now beginning to understand that there is a second, equally important, directive: “Spell check it and publish it.”
Getting the draft out of my head is only a starting point. We perfectionists, cowards, and procrastinators can use the shitty first draft to alleviate the sting of “not getting started” and yet still not accomplish the needful thing.
A Little HTML is a Dangerous Thing and I Know Where to Get It
We all know that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. It’s also often exactly what is needed for the occasion.
So here I am with a new website, a couple of blogs to look after, and a image portfolio to build for the DH. Problem is… the in-the-house IT guy doesn’t do web. Networking yes, Windows management yes, hardware troubleshooting, yes. Web — no.
I need a little knowledge. This weekend. Continue reading “A Little HTML is a Dangerous Thing and I Know Where to Get It”
a chicken makes my day
Sometimes even the dullest of research projects brings a little snicker. To wit, while cruising the great gobi of amazon.com looking for chicken cookbooks (don’t ask) I found this little list. And now my day is all better.
Wired Magazine, the Cluetrain, and Synchronicity
Odd to me that I should discover the ClueTrain Manifesto (I prefer to think of myself as fashionably late to the party) in the same week that the latest of Wired magazine finally makes it to the top of the oughtta read pile with it’s articles about on-line openness. Including Clive Thompson’s The See-Through CEO with it’s painfully timely concluding paragraph. (I won’t spoil it for you.) Continue reading “Wired Magazine, the Cluetrain, and Synchronicity”