Morning Linkage (Jul 22)

Once you ignore the point­less lux­u­ry brand logo on the pipes this is
an inter­est­ing look­ing bike.

For the kindlers. An archive of pub­lic domain books that are set up
for over-the-air down­load. I’m going to suck down Shakespeare real
soon now ™

For all your radish slic­ing needs. The Lego Microtome.

I for­get about Square America and then I run across a ref­er­ence to it
and go back and spend hours look­ing through the archives. Square
America curates found snap­shots. Here’s a reli­gious­ly themed

I’m head­ing out of town for a short vaca­tion. Depending on the quality
of the side­walk cof­fee hous­es you may or may not get link­age tomorrow
and Friday.

smooches for y’all

Morning LInkage (Jul 21)

Short list this morning.

Piccoli Bastadi means, of course, lit­tle bas­tards. Here’s a page of
shots of lit­tle (most­ly 50cc) Italian bikes from the 70s. The siter is
in Italian but worth crawl­ing around.

Materials Science con­tin­ues to amaze me. Here is a struc­tur­al steel
beam that can be moved into place with­out cranes. (or — as implied by
the pic­tures on the front page — car­ried around by one guy with a big
smile on his face.)

Brain whacks by McLuhan. (I can take or leave — well most­ly leave
McLuhan but these are an inter­est­ing look into the mind that gave us
“the medi­um is the expres­sion” and oth­er over-used media memes.

Mental Floss has a new game. Lit Slits — which is no where as dirty as
it sounds but is an inter­est­ing way to pass a quar­ter of an hour. (For
some­one who con­sid­ers her­self quite well read — I suck at this game.)

Morning Linkage (Jul 20)

Auto-topia reports: BMW to pro­duce an elec­tric scooter?
There’s a pic­ture and a google trans­la­tion here:‑8

Moto uni­corn chas­er for the men­tion of the C‑1:

Pop-tarts may be the break­fast pas­try of choice on your house but
these look way better:

Today’s pho­to galleries:

Woodstock: (some NSFW)

Ozark’s Music Festival — almost as old as Woodstock: (some NSFW)
(Black ground info and more links.)

Dear Friends at the International Center for Photography. American
Portraits of Men Together 1840–1918

Awesome use of ship­ping con­tain­ers to cre­ate a liv­ing space on a West
Texas ranch.

Not quite so awe­some but still awe­some. Mosaic table of the Simpsons.

More awe­some — this time a paint­ing by Julius Grimm of the sur­face of
the moon based on his pho­tographs tak­en in the 1870s and 1880s.

A mock-up of an Iraqi vil­lage on a stu­dio back lot in San Diego.
Eerie, creepy, and a lit­tle ludicrous.

And that big blob that was eat­ing shore birds in Alaska? Algae. (Is it
just me or is there a law that says that any news report of an unusual
nat­ur­al phe­nom­e­na must now include glob­al warm­ing as one of the
pos­si­ble explanations?)

more tomor­row,

Morning Linkage (Jul 16)

We’ve all seen the pic­tures of the motor­cy­cle tow truck. Here’s the
web­site of the man­u­fac­tur­er (now in English) Truly cool.

Audrey Kawasaki’s cus­tom paint­ed hel­met for the CELERITAS charity
auc­tion. Is a gen­tle trib­ute to pret­ty girls and weird skull-moth
bugs? Anyway, I like it. (Follow her links to oth­er hel­mets too.)

I love this too. Jim hates it. More cage pr0n. I’d give you guys bike
porn but it there’s so lit­tle of it with decent pro­duc­tion val­ues. Yes
I know about bike EXIF. Anything else?

A cou­ple of illustration/‘cartoon links.

For the fash­ion aware. A bril­liant sum­ma­tion of Ed Hardy from a Core77 reader.

NSFW but worth putting a star next to for lat­er today. Robert Ullman’s
Atom Bomb Bikini. Dude has a sense of humor and great chops.

Take vin­tage post­cards add robots and big bug-eyed mon­sters. Uneven
exe­cu­tion but there are some great ones. Like this one with the dog.

A not so alien crea­ture mak­ing a pos­si­ble come­back in China. Cute baby
‘gator pic­tures and video of crat­ing and ship­ping alli­ga­tors then
releas­ing them into the wild. No, real­ly, alli­ga­tors and crates.

Making things:

A list of essen­tial mak­er skills. More bet­ter in the com­ments too.
(Way too heavy on the elec­tron­ics and not enough fab­ri­ca­tion IMO.)

Now go fab­ri­cate some home-made ice cream sand­wich­es. Yum.

Lies, damned lies, and sta­t­ics. Another attempt at dis­play­ing the
state of the world graph­i­cal­ly and explain­ing what it means.
Same guy also does weath­er data — not quite as use­ful­ly but it’s still fun.

Coilhouse has a mas­sive col­lec­tion of links for the Crucible Fire Arts
Fest. (This week­end for those of you in the more souther­ly latitudes.)

Lastly a lit­tle bit of sci-fi (spelled prop­er­ly) about dinosaurs and
guns and mon­ster trucks and a bunch of oth­er stuff. 10-minute read,
20-minute giggle.‑f.shtml

more tomor­row,

Morning Linkage (Jul 14)

Charming lit­tle toy that does that glass­es clean­ing thing your
grand­fa­ther did when he was­n’t sure how to answer “Why is Uncle
Tommy’s head like that?”

The lap­top is becom­ing the form fac­tor of choice for WTF mod-ers.

A cou­ple of retro tech links:

Grid Beam looks like a very grown up ver­sion of the Mecco or Erector Set.

Sony’s first “home” video recorder. Lipstick cams were not even a dream then.

Toy I want to give my nephew — My sis­ter would hate me. (Caution turn
the audio down before you click play on the video.)

Shaking a full scale build­ing is the extreme way to test earthquake
proof­ing. The third test in the series was done’ this morn­ing. We’ve
missed the live web­cast but you can see ear­li­er tests and it’s likely
that a link to the video of today’s tests will be post­ed ASAP.

I don’t real­ly care about elec­tric cars. But the lead pho­to in this
sto­ry on the pos­si­ble Mercedes gull-wing elec­tric is one of my all
time favorite cars in a fab­u­lous loca­tion. Yum.

Paper mod­els with a sense of humor. I’m buy­ing this. Right now. I love
Matt’s stuff. (Sorry there’s no URL with­out the pay­pal link)

A very sweet fab­ric swatch. Butterflies with lorgnettes.

Bonus lol-cat: You kids, get off my lawn indeed.

See you all Thursday,