Morning Linkage (Aug 24)


Just in case there’s any­one who has­n’t seen this infor­ma­tion on
extend­ing the win7 tri­al period.

There’s a new lap­top in my future. I just wish it could be this one. A
built in graph­ic tablet would mean one less piece of hard­ware to try
to find a space for when I’m on the road.



Ilmor is work­ing on a 5 stroke, 3 cylin­der engine. Sort of. I need
time to hunt up videos before I“ll claim to under­stand how this works.



Why hav­ing a cou­ple of drinks with the plan­ning ses­sion won’t help you
meet your goals. I think we all intu­itive­ly know that the things you
say you’re going to do dur­ing the Saturday night bull ses­sion don’t
amount to much on Monday morn­ing but now sci­ence is set­ting out to
prove it.

Tossing a coin is sub­tly not as fair as your old­er broth­er told you it was.

An mys­te­ri­ous cloud for­ma­tion in Queensland Australia. Look like rolls
of cot­ton batting.

A TV sta­tion in Cleveland man­ages to top our own King5 for heinously
fear mon­ger­ing report­ing. That is until it becomes clear that someone
is pulling off a bril­liant farce. Do you think the news director
caught on to it before the seg­ment hit the air?


Intellectual Property and Copyright

Nominee for the best worst use of copy­right. How doc­tors (or rather
their rep­u­ta­tion man­age­ment lack­eys) are using the DMCA take down
pro­vi­sions to remove bad reviews from rat­ings sites.

A nice sum­ma­ry of the State of Union with respect to the Google Books
set­tle­ment and the many chal­lenges to it. Microsoft and Amazon have
clear motives for their objec­tions but that does­n’t inval­i­date their
point that Google seems to have made a land grab for the rights to
books that are out of print.


Visual Arts

Not the same as the Google land grab but a col­lec­tion of old map based
games and puz­zles. By old I mean the first was pub­lished in 1680.

A recent dis­cus­sion of low­er prices wines on this list yield­ed several
rec­om­men­da­tions for the “the label is pret­ty” school of wine shopping.
Here’s a selec­tion of wine labels and pack­ages that would qualify.

A love­ly gold­fish paint­ing. Click on the fishy for bigness.‑fish-a-fish-a-fishy-oo-98009668

I don’t real­ly dig the pic­ture but the fact that it was cre­at­ed on an
iPhone kind of makes the iPhone look like less of a sil­ly idea.‑walk-in-the-park-created-on-an-iphone-using

I love the soft old school look of these illus­tra­tions by the Russian
Dmitry Ligay.

Last night Elvis Costello made a Sean Connery joke. Almost too easy, I
admit. As an anti­dote here’s a clas­sic Connery pic.

Until tomor­row campers,

Morning Linkage (Aug 20)

Tech and Design

These solar pan­els make alien flower art at night. Austin, what you
been drinkin’?

Seattle has a cou­ple of aban­doned big box stores. Other parts of the
coun­try have more. Many of them have clear or translu­cent roofs.
Here’s a pro­pos­al to reuse those spaces for food pro­duc­tion. Instead
of buy­ing con­sumer goods made in China we would be able to buy food
grown locally.‑new-business-model-a-productive-suburb/

I think I like the pic­ture of the lit­tle girl with her bug catcher
pen­dant more than the object itself. I know sev­er­al sprogs who would
love one of these portable biol­o­gy labs though.

Silly is a good thing ear­ly in the morn­ing. I don’t drink bagged tea
but I’d fall off my chair gig­gling if one of these dec­o­rat­ed tea bags
appeared in my cup.


A mixed up set of pic­tures today.

From Shanghai, Maleonn cre­ates elab­o­rate sets and cos­tumes for his, I
like the term used in the blurb, fables. This series of circus
per­form­ers car­ries an almost cin­e­mat­ic over­tone. Click through to his
web­site for much more.

From Russia, more gen­tle, apocalyptic-cartoon illus­tra­tion. Anton Semenov.

Brandon Bloomaert (Germany) builds crea­tures from waste paper and then
stages scenes that remind one of old vaca­tion snaps.

A very dif­fer­ent look­ing almost sten­ci­lesque set of illus­tra­tions from
the French design­er Maloo. A cou­ple are NSFW.

A series of stills from the movie Metropolis along with a nice summary
of the movie’s style cues.


Misc Cultural Bits

Too sweet. Life size Candyland game being built in Lombard St.

The impos­si­ble Cool brings us Bud Ekins. The guy who jumped the bike
in the Great Escape. (look him up in wikipedia)

Finally, why can’t my school trips have end­ed with all the nasty girls
get­ting eat­en by a croc­o­dile? Revenge by paper automaton.

Morning Linkage (Aug 19)

Time lim­it­ed edition.

Covered is a blog that show­cas­es re-imaging of old com­ic book covers.
Most often point­less but I still read ti for gems like this Millie the
Lovable Monster redo.

No link to the source but these Japanese crayons look like they should
be made of taffy not wax.

Mikela Prevost has a nice style for chil­dren’s illus­tra­tions. Some
dark­er themes as well.

God Trump Cards — card based game (like Pokemon) for reli­gions. Sense
of humor required. First skew­ered my beloved C of E.

Self-entertainment is a cru­cial skill for tod­dlers. Video babysitting
is the bug-bear of mod­ern par­ent­ing. Here’s a lit­tle help for
enter­tain­ing or babysit­ting your­self today.

Morning Linkage (Aug 18)


Auto-topia pro­vides tons of links to cov­er­age of Monterrey. And this
sweet pic­ture of a BMW Isetta 300. A few oth­er nota­bles in the slide
show as well. The descrip­tion of the 523 Jag C‑Type as bux­om is dead

Sweet 1916(?) Michelin poster. The com­ments are worth a read as well.
At least until they reach the inevitable BB con­clu­sion “Duck in the
face at…”


The Visual Arts

A nice vin­tage pho­to of a cabaret cast on hols. (Pointed out by Amy
C.) Moving back­wards in the pool there is a col­lec­tion of ban­jo player
pix. No doubt why Amy was there in the first place.

David Lanham does child­ish (in the nicest pos­si­ble way) vec­tor art.
Navigate by click­ing on the tiny fav­i­cons in the left pan­el. Here a
tree reacts to change from fall to win­ter about the way I do.

Things I don’t think I need­ed to know. Graffiti artists use specially
con­coct­ed spray paints man­u­fac­tured by the likes of Upper Playground
and Montana. For a lim­it­ed time you can order your professional
van­dal­ism tools in these cus­tom cans.


Literature and Booze

Yup in one post. Warren Ellis points us to the Jura Writers Retreat.

Okay the real site is here. But Warren is funnier.


If you’ve got­ten as tired of the Industrial Designers “Design can save
the world” cant. You’ll like the last item in this list of things
IDers should stop doing. (Contains a naughty word)

Abstinence porn reach­es a new low. Candies — the brand that’s brought
you some of the finest strip­per shoes aimed at teens and twenty
some­things — uses sexy to sell, well, not hav­ing sex


Science and Animation

Students of  Brown University biol­o­gy prof Casey Dunn are producing
video pod­casts about top­ics in zool­o­gy. Here’s the first, a discussion
of iri­des­cence in squid. The top­ic is cool, the sci­ence is cool, the
sci­en­tists are cool, and the ani­ma­tion will make you giggle.‑1

that’s all for today

Morning Linkage (Aug 17)

Transportation News — a lit­tle moto

Boeing has a new best sell­ing plane. The Scan Eagle UAV.

The 3‑point seat belt is 50 years old. Invented by Volvo and now
uni­ver­sal­ly installed. The top pho­to in the arti­cle is too retro cute
for words.

Telsa goes drag rac­ing at Pacific Raceways. I find drags without
thun­der­ous engine noise, or in this case noise from only one lane,
unsat­is­fy­ing. The cost of a run’s worth of fuel is giv­en as 8 — 16
cents, vs. 5 — 26 dol­lars for a gas fueled car. I got­ta ask. This is
drag rac­ing who cares about  the cost of fuel? (Yes, I’ve been racing.
Yes, I know that the cost of fuel counts.)

The web­site for the (soon to be) revi­tal­ized Brough-Superior is short
on infor­ma­tion. But it has this slide show of the SS101K engine. Dead



A well designed heav­i­ly researched com­plete­ly bug nutz conspiracy
web­site. You’ll love the series called Sinister Sites, detail­ing the
satan­ic, mason­ic, and occult read­ings of the var­i­ous build­ings and
locales. Try the Cathedral of St, John the Divine for what has to be
the best 9–11, satanism, neo-pagan, envi­ron­men­tal­ist threat to
human­i­ty mash-up ever. Tons more where that came from.



Clever busi­ness card for a house painter. Probably a lit­tle expensive
to leave a stack lay­ing on the paint counter at the Home Depot though.

Alex Andreyev’s port­fo­lio is a stun­ning col­lec­tion of surrealist
illus­tra­tion. I sug­gest you start with the exhib­it he calls A Separate
Reality Part 2. The unteth­ered, frag­men­tary world he draws is eerie
and rich.‑Separate-Reality-02/278736


Literary News

Back in April (20th)I point­ed to Neil Gaiman’s Blueberry Girl, a
poem/prayer for his god-daughter.
Now he and Charles Vess are team­ing up to do a book for Gaiman’s poem

Neil announces and pro­vides a sam­ple here:

Tor art direc­tor Irene Gallo gives us a cou­ple more here:

Charles Vess him­self gives us a few more and dis­cuss­es some of the
design process here:

Full text of the poem here:

Have as best a Monday as you can,