Morning Linkage (Oct 14)


Wow, slow day. All I can give you is this. But hey, there are bikes in
the back­ground

If you’re more inter­est­ed in long dis­tance trav­el this Nat’l Geo
info-graphic is a nifty way to track 50 years of awe­some trips. CG has it
right, go straight to the flickr ver­sion for close-ups.



Is this for real? (Yes.) A plan to route elec­tric­i­ty between the
grids. The elec­tri­cal cable tech­nol­o­gy is very cool.


Art Architecture and What-Not

Reason num­ber 307 that I think the Olympics have got to go.
Architecture that would be unbe­liev­able in a mod­ern space opera.

Cigarette papers used to come in lit­tle, fan­tas­ti­cal­ly ornamented
book­lets. Explore art, sci­ence, and history.

Living up to my nick­name. But where the heck would I wear these
lus­cious­ly over the top boots?

A lit­tle back­ground for my obses­sion with street art and sten­cil­ing in
par­tic­u­lar. Banksy is now too com­mer­cial for most peo­ple but his
clas­sic moments were the source of hip illus­tra­tion and advertising
for a while.

Another sil­ly flash based, ran­dom plot gen­er­a­tor. It seems that I may
final­ly make my mil­lions by writ­ing a fish out of water tale set in an
under water cave. Uh huh.



I’d nev­er heard of the com­pos­er Vangelis. He wrote the Blade Runner
score.  And it turns out the back­ground for this steamy damn near
total­ly SFW scene from the Year of Living Dangerously.

More music. A weird upbeat song about being Already Dead. Pen and ink
paper cut outs with a clear nod to Edward Gorey. Can I say that a
video about being dead made me happy?

hap­py mid-week review

Morning Linkage (Oct 13)


I was all het up to be able to bring you pic­tures of the 2010 Ducati
Stradaperta. Okay, so now you know what the head­light looks like. Not good.

Life mag­a­zine brings you a col­lec­tion of pho­tographs of space­craft
. From the sweet­ly adorable NASA  wood­en lunar mod­ule that opens
the set to the nee­dle shaped shut­tle from When Worlds Collide


Art and Images

A review of xkcd: vol­ume 0. Tons of peo­ple will be get­ting and giving
this com­ic col­lec­tion for the holidays.

So you’re stand­ing in Borders look­ing at the New Releases in Paperback
dis­play, have you ever won­dered where the art for the cov­ers comes
from? There’s a guy in Russia who will cre­ate the cov­er art and
mar­ket­ing images for your mas­ter­piece, for $750. Here’s a gallery of
94 of his images. Mouse over the image for the title (in English) of
the book. You’ll rec­og­nize a lot of them.

Speaking of books, Mutt Ink has a new book out, There was an Old Lady.
Which leads us to his port­fo­lio page for chil­drens books. Tasty lines,
mut­ed col­or and sly humor.

Jen Lobo has a revamped web­site. Whimsical ani­mal paint­ings that
ref­er­ence famil­iar stories.

Cafe Racer Society brings us two of Ralph Steadman’s (of Hunter S
Thompson fame) images fea­tur­ing motor­cy­cles.

Mike Stillkey has new work that sits hap­pi­ly next to Steadman’s
car­i­ca­tures. Angular, angsty peo­ple liv­ing in a not quite hostile
world. His cats look sleek and curi­ous.



Milton Glaser talks about draw­ing as a way of observ­ing the
world, while draw­ing a por­trait. He starts with the eye­brows. hmmm.

Laugh out loud fun­ny. A love sto­ry about two squid (and skinny
deliv­ery dri­ver.) French short film that was nom­i­nat­ed for an Oscar.

Stormy Tuesday? That’s not quite right.

Morning Linkage (Oct 12)


Monday Morning Jump Start. First use of a Lambo to video/chase another
Lambo? Turn it up.

Sweet lit­tle essay on very ear­ly rac­ing. A cou­ple of nice pics too.

Wrench Monkees is teas­ing with peepshow pic­tures of the next cou­ple of

Very nice retro restora­tion of a Honda CB450.

Book end­ing the black Lamborghini, this CBR900 in black, black, and more black.


Culture and Fashion

A curat­ed and anno­tat­ed col­lec­tion of 19th Century images of women.
Beauty, Virtue, and Vice.

A 70’s use of the female image to sell gad­gets. Like you thought this
was a new thing. The image is SFW. The CG page men­tions porn sites.
Any links you fol­low from here are like­ly VNSFW.

Zombies offi­cial­ly jumped the shark, maybe sev­er­al sharks, when they
get used as props in a Harper’s Bazaar fash­ion shot.

Today’s shoe link.


Art and Images

God Dog. Nuff said.

Work done with a palette knife in oils is not grab­bing the attention
of the image and design hunters like it should. These Leonid Afremov’s
will remind you why the tech­nique deserves to be revived.

An ABC of cities drawn from Google street view images. Lesser known
cities are cho­sen so the images may be new to you.

Vania Zouravliov works in ink and pen­cil. Eastern European influences
com­bine with mod­ern graph­ic nov­el sto­ry telling to cre­ate qui­et­ly
images. Some NSFW.


Definition of Cool.


have a decent Monday darlings,

Morning Linkage (Oct 9)


The first road cer­ti­fied elec­tric motor­cy­cle. $9,950 will get you the
Zero S or Zero all nice and street legal. There are some nifty tax
breaks as well.

The BMW C1 is back. As an elec­tric. Still laughable.

Concepts cars you’re like­ly to see at the Tokyo motor show this year.
Lots of lit­tle elec­tric urban run-abouts. I’m fas­ci­nat­ed by the
retro-futuristic feel of some of the interiors.

DIY Halloween Edition

Because its Friday and I know you all are plan­ning on spend­ing the
week­end doing up the home­stead for the upcom­ing festivities.

Autonomous rov­ing pump­kin!

Cheaper than a real one. A paper skull for you mantelpiece.

Ultimate pump­kin chuckin’. Today we bomb Carnation, tomor­row the moon.


We bombed the moon. This may have been a mis­take. The com­ments are priceless.

Just so you don’t miss it the .wav file of Marvin scold­ing humanity
for it’s aggres­sive attack.

Art and Images

The man who arguably invent­ed mod­ern fash­ion pho­tog­ra­phy is gone. RIP
Irving Penn.

Jim Flora has a be-bop sen­si­bil­i­ty that I love. I swear the drum­mer on
this cal­en­dar is Krupa.

The LOC has put anoth­er set of dig­i­tized images on-line. World War I
from coun­tries on both sides of the con­flict. Detailed
search­ing is avail­able but start­ing here with the select­ed examples
will fill up your morn­ing cof­fee break.

Apropos our favorite cock­tail par­ty/mailing list.

hap­py fri­day darlin’s

Morning Linkage (Oct 8)


Tea cer­e­monies are not some­thing we often asso­ciate with cus­tom bikes.
Maybe we should.

Old illus­tra­tions of motor­cy­cle from vin­tage books. I’ve already got
an email in to my fav pur­vey­or of old book pr0n.

On auc­tion at Bonhams. A 1954 BSA motor­ized tan­dem bicycle.

More ped­al bike hot­ness. Belt dri­ve town­ie. Almost enough to make me
move to a nice Kirkland con­do. Almost.



Feeling old school today. There was  time when wiring was managed
with­out the help of the plas­tic zip-tie. Linemen and oth­ers created
func­tion­al beau­ty with cable-lacing. I’ll be in my stu­dio lat­er today
try­ing this out.


Art and Images

More old school. Chrome logos from the past. His ‘spas­tic website’
award is in the mail.

Art Nouveau and hal­lu­ci­na­to­ry go well togeth­er. Really. Jean de
Bosschere does Weird Islands, and a lot of oth­er things.

Silly draw­ings for Marmite ads. Proving that a sense of humor can be
an asset in adver­tis­ing. Scroll to num­ber 3 for the dinosaur. Pretty

To hell with Hooters. Titillation is actu­al­ly sexy in these black and
of “old” Las Vegas.

that should make the wait for Friday just a lit­tle easier.