Morning Linkage (Jan 5)


The Sunbeam S7 is a dandy bike. The pho­to is bet­ter than dandy.

On my ToDo list for this week: Figure out why the dweebs at TopSpeed
can’t even tell me where they got the lit­tle bit of info they have
about this twist­ed YZ450 to cafe rac­er conversion.

I always thought own­ing an Airstream trail­er would be kin­da cool. I
was wrong, own­ing one of these Victorinox Special Editions or a
Serenity mod­el would be awesome.



Fairy-tales are not nice. At least they weren’t nice before the a
bunch of nan­nies took all the good bits out. The excerpt here is
mild­ly NSFW. (Innuendo — no pictures)



NYC has way too many peo­ple, with way too much mon­ey, liv­ing in way
too lit­tle space. Hence these five exam­ples of rooftop hous­es. Click
along to the flickr stream men­tioned at the end of the post for more
(unfil­tered) rooftop follies.


Art, Images, Animation

One of the best artists work­ing in cut paper today. Peter Callesen can
show you fields of flow­ers in a sheet of A‑4 white bond.

Snow globes are so roman­tic; unless you look close­ly. Dastardly deeds
in Winter Wonderlands.

The lit­tle peo­ple are out again. London, Grottaglie (it’s in Italy)
and fine gut­ters near you.

Lisa D sent along the link to this nice exam­ple of new style flip-book
ani­ma­tion. Sweetness.

Happy Tuesday campers.

Morning Linkage (Jan 4)

I’m flex­ing my fin­gers this morn­ing, get­ting back into the swing for you all.



I love the lit­tle Piaggio Ape. Here’s a brochure for the 1979 ver­sion. (In Italian on a Japanese site.)

The Pacific Northwest tri­als sea­son start­ed yes­ter­day with the Plastered Purple Penguin in Marysville. This ear­ly tri­aler , a Bulldog, looks noth­ing like the Sherco in the shop. It’s a sweet piece of equip­ment nonetheless.



Lovely video of the north­ern lights. The World at Night has a ton of oth­er amaz­ing videos and photos.


Images, Art, and Design

University of Nevada has many inter­est­ing dig­i­tal archives. This one is ded­i­cat­ed to comics pro­duced for the gov­ern­ment. There’s lots from Archie and Jughead, and some Cap’n America, even a Charles Schultz or two.

It’s in Portuguese but this is the best of the “Images of the Decade” col­lec­tions I’ve seen. The South American per­spec­tive helps.

And anoth­er year-ender. 342 movies in 7 min­utes. The sound track is awe­some.  (SFW/Music)

Happy First Monday my lovelies.

Morning Linkage (Dec 18)


Henrik Toth is weird. His hack is awe­some.

Shiny, blocky, inter­est­ing sur­face treat­ments. Yeah the Batman mention
is unavoid­able, but it’s bad ass none the less. Lamborghini Ankonian
con­cept car.

Chopper wiring dia­gram. Because we all need a lit­tle help with
remem­ber­ing where the coil goes in the cir­cuit. (Page down — stupid
big header.)



Maybe the can­dy bar (rec­tan­gu­lar) cell phone is not the best shape
for our portable data devices in the future. Sweet mock up of the UI
as well.



Before the fan­ny packs and Andrea Bocelli con­certs, your par­ents (and
grand­par­ents) were once free-wheeling, fashion-forward, and super
awe­some.” Sweet tum­blr of old pho­tos. My Parents Were Awesome. Video
inter­views and com­men­tary in the side bar.


Art, Image, and Design

Another cream pitch­er that’s a nice visu­al chuck­le.


Stephan Doitschinoff’s take on reli­gious mot­tos and icons. I love this
St. Thomas. (there are more)

Ben Roberts pho­tographs peo­ple in places. I sug­gest you spend time
with Over Dark Waters (ice fish­ing in Ont) and Superpit (min­ing in

Morning Linkage is going on win­ter break. See you all in 2010.

Morning Linkage (Dec 17) the delayed for hawk rescue edition


My pur­chase of an iPhone is now ful­ly jus­ti­fied. Volkswagen has
released an app for fol­low­ing the Dakar 2010 ral­ly. Link at the
bot­tom. Woot!

You’ve seen the sneak pre­view shots of the Chanel bike. Now here’s the
real deal. Bonus shot of the creepi­est guy in fashion.

Water Buffalo. Love it or hate.


Society (and Policy)

Laugh at Bob Hope’s bad jokes and make a point about what ‘pub­lic
archive’ should mean.



A look behind the scenes of one of the seg­ments of BBC’s How the Earth
Made Us. (Recommended) Paul Williams describes film­ing inside Cueva de
los Cristales
of Mexico. One of the nas­ti­est and most beau­ti­ful places
on earth.


Art, Image, and Design

Hello Kitty and Balzac? I have no idea.

Tying threads. Nice work from a Portland firm. (Cephalopod)

Xeni Jardin is in Guatemala and sends pic­tures of altars constructed
for Fiesta de la Virgen de Guadalupe.

Playing with food is fun. And there’s an entire blog devot­ed to
pic­tures of cute food. Start with this trop­i­cal beach cabana canape.

A wish list item for Industrial Designers. A new series from Phaidon
that high lights the best in ID from the 20th Century. A nice
selec­tion of images to whet your appetite.

I can’t find this par­tic­u­lar image in the pho­tog­ra­pher’s flickr
stream. It’s worth look­ing around.

Morning Linkage (Dec 16)


It’s final­ly warm again today but you nev­er know what the rest of the
win­ter may bring. For those of you who insist on rid­ing not matter
what. The next best thing to a Zamboni.

Phil Rudge, writes about rebuild­ing a 1931 Rudge Ulster. Did you know
that EMI once owned a motor­cy­cle man­u­fac­tur­er? I did­n’t. Excellent
Vintagent write up.

More machine video. This time instead of build­ing, it’s unbuilding.
Disassembling a Hyundai. Short and sweet. Light music.

Cars in camo look stu­pid. Except maybe this McLaren decked out for
win­ter test­ing in Sweden. Or maybe I just lust after the car.


Science and Technology

The steel indus­try is alive and not so well. But not as bad as it was.

Twitter aids sci­ence. Local twit­ter reac­tions to earth­quakes leave
evi­dence for geologists.



The artists being ripped off by the record com­pa­nies (in Canada) may
find relief and the rest of us may find vin­di­ca­tion. There is talk of
the artists’ using the dam­age awards that RIAA has claimed in
copy­right infringe­ment cas­es as the basis for dam­ages to be claimed in
their fight for pay­ment. Ouch.


Art, Image, and Design

Holiday cheer — Mr. and Mrs. Cthulhu Claus.

Scrap book­ing brought col­lage to the atten­tion of the mass­es. Here’s a
look at some of the his­to­ry of the form and some of the best
con­tem­po­rary work.

I don’t care for Roger Federer but look fur­ther into Hellovon’s
port­fo­lio for some fresh mono­chrome work.

More book art. This time a set of 3‑D adven­ture sto­ries carved out of pages.

Reg Mobasssa’s work is prob­a­bly famil­iar to many of you. The
Australian painter has been putting out pop images for 30+ years. He
answers ques­tions for Planet Blog and they pro­vide a nice selec­tion of
his work. (Vaguely NSFW — adam and eve)



More fun with com­put­er ani­ma­tion soft­ware and Ninjas. Brett sent me
this one and owes me a keyboard.

Happy Tuesday campers,