I have no explanation for the face paint that matches the helmet. But it’s the nicest B&W bike pic I’ve seen this week.
Vintagent pulls together a brief history of a 1938 BSA Gold Star for sale in Oz. Bonus pic of the “movie-star handsome” Wal Handley who earned the coveted gold star at Brooklands for BSA.
None of the racers I know has this kind of class. The FIAT transporter that ferried around the Ferrari cars in the late 1950s isn’t exactly within the budgetary constraints of most of my racer mates either.
Officer Silent is sneaking up behind you. First it was the electric cars in the NYC fleet. Now Utah based ATK would like to sell your local LEOs some electric bikes.
The physics of the wet-dog shake (as well as mice, rats, and grizzly bears.)
Why do gigantic pumpkins always look like they were left in the sun and melted? All squat and squashed? There’s an answer to that. It’s a better shape than round for growing out sized squash.
Art. Images, and Design
Animalarium highlights the animals portrayed in the work of two Finnish illustrators. Sanna Annukka whose work for Marimekko you can find on her website. (The look into the production process for Marimekko fabrics is cool.) And Klaus Haapaniemi whose large-scale pictures of fanciful animals always make me smile.
The Book or Revelations is puzzling to even the most devote of scholars. Commentaries have been written throughout the centuries. Bibliodyssey brings images from the Beatus Apocalypse. Noah’s ark features some particularity unsettling animals.
I have to agree. The posters for Black Swan are so unlike the usual run of actor’s faces poorly photoshopped onto stand-ins’ airbrushed bodies in front of CGI explosions that at first I didn’t realize that Black Swan was a movie. (It’s a ballet/psychological thriller movie. Who’s going with me?)
Lovely calligraphy executed on video. Legacy of Letters promo piece. Luca Barcellona’s economy of motion while lettering is amazing. (Video)
When you have a band named the Kandinsky Effect. the best possible promo video would feature a piece (or two) of Kandinsky art, no? (Video)
But is you need something a little less high-brow you can’t go wrong with the episode of Saari. A preschool program designed by a Finn and produced in Spain. Charming. (Video)
And that’s it for this week. be happy, have fun, be safe.