Thoughts on Arrivals

We’re final­ly in Mexico after an overnight delay caused by not hav­ing a flight atten­dant.  So I have to ask — is this real­ly vis­it­ing a for­eign coun­try? When the first thing that you do after the inevitable post-flight-hangover nap is walk down the block to the gro­cery store to buy pro­vi­sions? When you can … 

Molly Crabapple Has Your Heart (and I have no motivation)

Today in pro­cras­ti­na­tion fol­lies. I should be adding ID head­ers to the video from last week­end’s Mock Trials. But A) I am too dizzy to stand up and work and B) I need to call my doc about that par­tic­u­lar side effect. But C) I don’t have my new doc’s num­ber in my phone and …