ArchitectureWe put our pasts in our pockets where theyrub up against loose change and ghost stories.They mingle with the confetti of every laundry list, want ad, parking ticket, and fablethat we have used to explain and confound our lives.Truth rubs off and leaves formless tokens that we stamp with misremembered particulars and implausible circumstances.Counterfeit materials …
Category Archives: Poetry
SilhouettesThe sun had just reached over the hill andthe crows were muttering their approval.As the departing stars scavenged up the the birds’ black shadows,a branch cracked under the weight of so many thieves. Like a sneeze they flew. A sneeze that broke my one remaining rib. That crack,the death of allshadows, then the eyes of …
ode to the letter b
ode to the letter bnot the beginningof the alpha- betbut somewhere at its head.perhaps level with the eyebrowswild whippingbushy blatantly untamedeye browsEinstein had nothing on the bravery of her eye browsshe blows batters the shutters we have failed to battendown on Sunday morning and we return to blueberriespiebald sheep and thatwhite horse with one blue …
I’m sorry that…
I’m sorry that…I ate all the marshmallows.The cat knocked them over and there were grackles.Timbuktu was too far awayYou make lousy coffee.There is no vaccine for that.I don’t want to go on Tuesday.I haven’t finished Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations.Thursdays are always bad for me; they come after Wednesdays.Your check was late.It’s too early in the morning …
Arithmetic beside our daily livesconcrete rituals enrapture lovedesires like so many Lego bricks erected we finish building ourgrowing collection of voodoo figurineshapless hopeless held up by anignorant God without jokers in the tarot deckkept semi-comatose in thelock up behind the mini-martnobody can say whoopened the gates or whopinned back yesterday’squandaryright now todaysurrender to the surgeon …