
ArchitectureWe put our pasts in our pock­ets where theyrub up against loose change and ghost stories.They min­gle with the con­fet­ti of every laun­dry list, want ad, park­ing tick­et, and fablethat we have used to explain and con­found our lives.Truth rubs off and leaves form­less tokens that we stamp with mis­re­mem­bered par­tic­u­lars and implau­si­ble circumstances.Counterfeit materials … 


SilhouettesThe sun had just reached over the hill andthe crows were mut­ter­ing their approval.As the depart­ing stars scav­enged up the the birds’ black shadows,a branch cracked under the weight of so many thieves. Like a sneeze they flew. A sneeze that broke my one remain­ing rib. That crack,the death of all­shad­ows, then the eyes of … 

ode to the letter b

ode to the let­ter bnot the begin­ningof the alpha- bet­but some­where at its head.perhaps lev­el with the eye­browswild whip­ping­bushy bla­tant­ly untamed­eye browsEinstein had noth­ing on the brav­ery of her eye browsshe blows bat­ters the shut­ters we have failed to bat­ten­down on Sunday morn­ing and we return to blue­ber­riespiebald sheep and that­white horse with one blue … 

I’m sorry that…

I’m sor­ry that…I ate all the marshmallows.The cat knocked them over and there were grackles.Timbuktu was too far awayYou make lousy coffee.There is no vac­cine for that.I don’t want to go on Tuesday.I haven’t fin­ished Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations.Thursdays are always bad for me; they come after Wednesdays.Your check was late.It’s too ear­ly in the morning … 


Arithmetic beside our dai­ly livescon­crete rit­u­als enrap­ture lovedesires like so many Lego bricks erect­ed we fin­ish build­ing our­grow­ing col­lec­tion of voodoo fig­uri­ne­shap­less hope­less held up by anig­no­rant God with­out jok­ers in the tarot deck­kept semi-comatose in the­lock up behind the mini-martnobody can say whoopened the gates or whopinned back yesterday’squandaryright now today­surren­der to the surgeon …