Thoughts on Arrivals

We’re final­ly in Mexico after an overnight delay caused by not hav­ing a flight atten­dant.  So I have to ask — is this real­ly vis­it­ing a for­eign coun­try? When the first thing that you do after the inevitable post-flight-hangover nap is walk down the block to the gro­cery store to buy pro­vi­sions? When you can … 

Leaving Gmail. It’s Not Me It’s You.

New Look Sux. That’s the title of an email thread that went around my uni­verse. No one likes the new look of Gmail. You can search the web for details of the usabil­i­ty night­mare. But let me just offer this one tid­bit. The CSS is so bro­ken that the pages often don’t ren­der well in Google’s …

Why Morning Linkage Died and What’s Next for ShinyMagpie

Short ver­sion.  A switch from cura­tion to cre­ation. Slightly longer ver­sion. Morning Linkage was  path to find­ing my way back into think­ing about sto­ry telling. It is now time to start telling sto­ries of my own again. There’s an even longer ver­sion but that should prob­a­bly stay between me, my ther­a­pist, and the hap­py band of …