Things that Make You Think

From the exhi­bi­tion “Guex Liu, Kuu ñun­ro, Totlalhuan” por Fernando Palma Rodríguez — shown at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Oaxaca.  These are only a lit­tle taste of the many mov­ing con­struc­tions.  It is amaz­ing what a cre­ative per­son can do with some qual­i­ty ser­vos and a cou­ple of Arduino boards. Sewing machines and … 

It’s Still a Big Damn Country

Recently I was look­ing for this pic­ture of an art­ful­ly rust­ed steam engine that I took dur­ing a cross-country trip in 2009. Rather than dig through the many thou­sands of pho­tographs on the back-up serv­er, I searched through the series of blog entries titled It’s a Big Dam Country that I wrote while on that road … 

The Pretty Girl in the Room

At cer­tain points in every girl’s life gen­der pol­i­tics force choic­es between the male world and the female world. Between girl­friends and guy friends. Between the some­times fick­le loy­al­ty of female friends and the weird­ly non­cha­lant alle­giance of male friends. I long ago opt­ed for the male world. Frankly, men are more fun. They have …