shiny things in messy little piles

Category: Art, Design, Ilustration, and Images

visu­al perception

Things that Make You Think

From the exhi­bi­tion “Guex Liu, Kuu ñun­ro, Tot­lal­huan” por Fer­nan­do Pal­ma Rodríguez — shown at the Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary Art of Oaxaca. 
These are only a lit­tle taste of the many mov­ing constructions. 
It is amaz­ing what a cre­ative per­son can do with some qual­i­ty ser­vos and a cou­ple of Arduino boards.
Sewing machines and lucador masks.

Molly Crabapple Has Your Heart (and I have no motivation)

Today in pro­cras­ti­na­tion fol­lies. I should be adding ID head­ers to the video from last week­end’s Mock Tri­als. But A) I am too dizzy to stand up and work and B) I need to call my doc about that par­tic­u­lar side effect. But C) I don’t have my new doc’s num­ber in my phone and D) If I add it to my phone it won’t nec­es­sar­i­ly appear in my con­tacts on my com­put­er. So… E) I’m now spend­ing time look­ing up what the hell is up with iOS6 and the weird linked con­tacts thing and why it does­n’t sync back to Outlook/Exchange properly. 

And F) I’m talk­ing to you all about what you’re doing rather than doing real™ work. What are friends for?

So G) I’m going to blog this because I haven’t blogged crap in weeks.

Also — this made me very happy. 

Yes, I know the frame runs out over the bor­der of the col­umn. The video is far too cool to stick into the lit­tle itty-bitty col­umn width that my graphic-miser heart requires for hip­ster credibility.

There’s an entire web­site about it — with lots of pic­tures and mak­ing of bits. 

And I’m con­sid­er­ing learning/experimenting with comics and ani­ma­tion. Because wth? I need to go har­ing off after yet anoth­er medi­um for sto­ry telling.