a chicken makes my day

Sometimes even the dullest of research projects brings a lit­tle snick­er. To wit, while cruis­ing the great gobi of amazon.com look­ing for chick­en cook­books (don’t ask) I found this lit­tle list. And now my day is all bet­ter. ‑mag­pie

Wired Magazine, the Cluetrain, and Synchronicity

Odd to me that I should dis­cov­er the ClueTrain Manifesto (I pre­fer to think of myself as fash­ion­ably late to the par­ty) in the same week that the lat­est of Wired mag­a­zine final­ly makes it to the top of the ought­ta read pile with it’s arti­cles about on-line open­ness. Including Clive Thompson’s The See-Through CEO … 

5 minutes from read-it to love-it

This a.m. I read “save time by dash­ing your search­es” on Micro Persuasion. I tried it using reputation-management ver­sus the unquot­ed, un-dashed ver­sion (to wit: rep­u­ta­tion man­age­ment) Whoa, this has got to be a record for least amount of time from I read this post to I can’t believe I lived with­out it!