TQR — Deep Secrets of Successful Blogging

Bloggers blog­ging on blog­ging Deep Secrets of Successful Blogging is the com­pli­ca­tion of 30 posts from April of 2007 when Chitika (a blog­ger’s adver­tis­ing net­work) held a “blog­bash” about pro­fes­sion­al blog­ging. (I’m a suck­er for pdfs, or any­thing that I can print and take away from the com­put­er and this one is nice­ly designed for … 

right books at the right time

Today David Seah men­tioned in an almost aside to a post about learn­ing to net­work (a shared weak­ness) that he had read a cou­ple of books by Paulo Coelho and that these were, for him, the right books at the right time. For me the right book was Coyote Blue by Christopher Moore. I’ve read and …