Morning Lnkage (May 4)

Science: Seattle is adopt­ing new math text books. Cliff Mass has some­thing to say about it. You should too. A study of zebra finch­es brings up new ques­tions about how bird song is taught/learned. I nev­er feel com­fort­able with the broad con­clu­sions about the nature of cul­ture and cul­tur­al inher­i­tance that peo­ple want to draw from these … 

Morning Linkage (Apr 29)

Style points: Legal Notes: The Google books set­tle­ment may not be — a set­tle­ment that is. Didn’t they teach these fools to be care­ful who they bul­ly. Lessig twit­ters Warner Bros. take down notice. Images: If you’re feel­ing the need to be total­ly creeped out. Bits from the lat­est auc­tion of MJ’s stuff. … 

Morning Linkage (Apr 27)

Some vague­ly relat­ed pho­tos from Milan Design Week. Many cool seat­ing sur­faces. Some that I would hes­i­tate to call chairs. Design as a pro­fes­sion is cur­rent­ly hav­ing a cri­sis of rel­e­van­cy. Trying to fig­ure out how it can val­ue to soci­ety rather than mere­ly add val­ue to the bot­tom line. As is the case in … 

Morning Linkage (Apr 24)

In the I won­der who was after what depart­ment. The judge in the Pirate Bay tri­al is a mem­ber of a copy­rights advo­ca­cy group. And this is just com­ing out? Either the PB lawyers are incom­pe­tent (mis­tri­al, incom­pe­tent defense) or clever (mis­tri­al, judge not impar­tial) Fabulously beau­ti­ful Japanese depic­tions of nature. Half a million …