Morning Linkage (May 11)

A sil­ly to start. 69 Love Song Illustrated. Just what it says. All by dif­fer­ent artists. They haven’t got the full 69 yet and a the qual­i­ty varies but this one is hap­py sil­ly. (Mildly NSFW due to hazy naked­ness and fur­ries) Douglas Bowman’s depar­ture from his post as head design­er for Google has freed … 

Morning Linkage (May 8)

The Design Edition Starting with a cou­ple of fur­ni­ture designs. With a welder and some scrap from out behind the barn we could make up a cou­ple of these lawn chairs. Not sure I want to sit on one. Humor in design is good. And anoth­er report­ed by Core77. Proving that lack of humor in design thinking … 

Morning Linkage (May 7)

The arts and crafts edi­tion. Oh, and one toy. Now you nev­er have to be with­out a train set.–1/product.html?LproductId=16155 Art from books. I don’t always hold the line with the “nev­er destroy a book” crowd. Here are two exam­ples of why. The flickr set of Nicholas Galanin’s What Have We Become . Thomas Allen’s pho­tographed dioramas … 

Morning Linkage (May 6)

Silly chil­dren’s book. The draw­ings are delight­ful. The text abom­inable — in a cute sex­ist way. Don’t both­er read­ing the com­ments. News: Librarians are wor­ry­ing about the Google Books set­tle­ment. No access to put of print books vs. access con­trolled by giant corp. Rock and hard place. There was a lot of wor­ry about eBay encouraging … 

Morning Linkage (May 5)

Transportation: More on the sad state of our rail sys­tem. (With a lit­tle swine flu pan­ic thrown in.) A cool fold­ing two-wheel trans­port. Summary here: More images here. Stupid prod­uct — fun­ny videos. (A seg­way knock off for the under 8s.) Technology: A use­ful site list­ing alter­na­tives to var­i­ous soft­ware. Some of the alternatives …