Morning Linkage (Jul 14)

Charming lit­tle toy that does that glass­es clean­ing thing your grand­fa­ther did when he was­n’t sure how to answer “Why is Uncle Tommy’s head like that?” The lap­top is becom­ing the form fac­tor of choice for WTF mod-ers. A cou­ple of retro tech links: Grid Beam looks like a very grown up ver­sion of the Mecco or … 

Morning Linkage (Jul 13)

Monday the 13th. That seems like it should be worse luck than Friday the 13th. Seven pages of the most amaz­ing mon­sters ever paint­ed. Travis Louie’s Monster? group exhi­bi­tion. Tom Gauld draws mon­sters too. mak­ing nois­es. Onomatopoeia is fun. So is the rest of his pho­to­stream. Drawing and words togeth­er again in cal­li­graph­ic ani­mals from … 

Morning LInkage (Jul 10)

Good morn­ing y’all. Lots of links today, good for a slow sum­mer Friday. Let’s get start­ed shall we? More busi­ness card tom­fool­ery. Better than that chem­istry set you had as a kid. It’s a dark detec­tor. Much ear­li­er tech. Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace start in their own com­ic (Sydney Padua is very, well just very) The … 

Morning Linkage (Jul 9)

Read how they did it and then watch “Performance”. I always want­ed water­col­ors to work this way even if it is an ad for gaso­line. You all liked one sen­tence sto­ries so much that I fig­ure you’ll like Significant Objects as well. Here’s a descrip­tion of the project. and here are the stories. … 

Morning Lnkage (Jul 7)

Good design: I was mak­ing ster­ling cuffs in class a cou­ple of weeks ago. These are way cool­er. How to make ubiq­ui­tous mate­ri­als inter­est­ing. Plywood that bends around a cor­ner. And if I ever had to live in one room again I hope these will be avail­able. Some guys are always cool. From one of my …