Morning Linkage (Jul 22)

Once you ignore the point­less lux­u­ry brand logo on the pipes this is an inter­est­ing look­ing bike. For the kindlers. An archive of pub­lic domain books that are set up for over-the-air down­load. I’m going to suck down Shakespeare real soon now ™ For all your radish slic­ing needs. The Lego Microtome. I for­get about Square America … 

Morning LInkage (Jul 21)

Short list this morn­ing. Piccoli Bastadi means, of course, lit­tle bas­tards. Here’s a page of shots of lit­tle (most­ly 50cc) Italian bikes from the 70s. The siter is in Italian but worth crawl­ing around. Materials Science con­tin­ues to amaze me. Here is a struc­tur­al steel beam that can be moved into place with­out cranes. (or — as … 

Morning Linkage (Jul 20)

Auto-topia reports: BMW to pro­duce an elec­tric scoot­er? There’s a pic­ture and a google trans­la­tion here:‑8 Moto uni­corn chas­er for the men­tion of the C‑1: Pop-tarts may be the break­fast pas­try of choice on your house but these look way bet­ter: Today’s pho­to gal­leries: Woodstock: (some NSFW) Ozark’s Music Festival — almost as … 

Morning Linkage (Jul 16)

We’ve all seen the pic­tures of the motor­cy­cle tow truck. Here’s the web­site of the man­u­fac­tur­er (now in English) Truly cool. Audrey Kawasaki’s cus­tom paint­ed hel­met for the CELERITAS char­i­ty auc­tion. Is a gen­tle trib­ute to pret­ty girls and weird skull-moth bugs? Anyway, I like it. (Follow her links to oth­er hel­mets too.) http://i‑ I love … 

Morning Linkage (Jul 14)

Charming lit­tle toy that does that glass­es clean­ing thing your grand­fa­ther did when he was­n’t sure how to answer “Why is Uncle Tommy’s head like that?” The lap­top is becom­ing the form fac­tor of choice for WTF mod-ers. A cou­ple of retro tech links: Grid Beam looks like a very grown up ver­sion of the Mecco or …