Morning Linkage (Aug 3)

The world of bits and pol­i­tics is get­ting all het up again. First there’s this lit­tle mat­ter of AT&T, Apple, GoogleVoice, and the FCC. The fences around the play­grounds are com­ing down and the prop­er­ty own­ers are not hap­py. Rep. Ed Markey (D‑MA) is try­ing for net neu­tral­i­ty leg­is­la­tion again. A much more pro-neutrality admin­is­tra­tion might make a dif­fer­ence. PDF … 

Morning Linkage (Jul 31)

Everyone is enti­tled to an opin­ion: Gorgeous pic­ture of a crap bike. Crap pic­ture of a gor­geous bike. ————– On August 26th the Mini Cooper will be 50 years old. Forbes put up a nice lit­tle slide show. ———– Repurposed fur­ni­ture (com­po­nents). Does some­one have a bet­ter word than repur­posed? It’s so made up. Cold frames from the As-Is … 

Morning Linkage (Jul 30)

Two from Scheier on the recent­ly dis­cussed top­ic of cloud com­put­ing and stor­age. I find the com­ments on his blog to be of high­er qual­i­ty than most. Summary of Kaminsky’s talk on the SSL cert spoof­ing. Clearer than most. As if you could­n’t tell it’s DefCon time. I’ve been fas­ci­nat­ed by the hack­able badges of … 

Morning Linkage (Jul 29)

Starting with some archi­tec­ture. 10 class­rooms designed specif­i­cal­ly to meet the chal­lenges of 10 sites and com­mu­ni­ties. The promise of loca­tion appro­pri­ate archi­tec­ture ful­filled. (Mostly — no one’s per­fect)–07–22-finalists-announced-for-the-open-architecture-challenge A mate­ri­als data­base site that is wicked fun to explore. You’ll want to start projects just to use some of this stuff. Some paint­ings that I … 

Morning Linkage (Jul 28)

If you don’t go any fur­ther this morn­ing, go here. Not only is this exhib­it on the top­ic of gov­ern­ment pro­pa­gan­da time­less but the pro­duc­tion val­ues for the web­site encour­age exact­ly the kind of explo­ration the top­ic deserves. On with the show. What to do with a sane but ugly vehi­cle. Smart TwoTipping. Because there aren’t enough cows …