Morning Linkage (Aug 18)

Transportation Auto-topia pro­vides tons of links to cov­er­age of Monterrey. And this sweet pic­ture of a BMW Isetta 300. A few oth­er nota­bles in the slide show as well. The descrip­tion of the 523 Jag C‑Type as bux­om is dead on. Sweet 1916(?) Michelin poster. The com­ments are worth a read as well. At least until they reach the … 

Morning Linkage (Aug 17)

Transportation News — a lit­tle moto Boeing has a new best sell­ing plane. The Scan Eagle UAV. The 3‑point seat belt is 50 years old. Invented by Volvo and now uni­ver­sal­ly installed. The top pho­to in the arti­cle is too retro cute for words. Telsa goes drag rac­ing at Pacific Raceways. I find drags with­out thun­der­ous engine noise, or … 

Morning Linkage (Aug 12)

Transportation Some peo­ple are lament­ing the loss of pos­si­ble future clas­sic cars to the cash for clunk­ers pro­gram. The NYT Week in Review pon­ders the ques­tion and comes up with 4 pos­si­ble clas­sics cur­rent­ly eli­gi­ble for crush­ing. The 88 Jag maybe. The oth­er three, I rather have a Pacer. OTOH so many of us have fond mem­o­ries of … 

Morning Linkage (Aug 10)

Because it was Gather week­end. First up — a lit­tle Jack Daniels his­to­ry. ——————- Some sci­ence — there was  lot to choose from this morn­ing. Crows use rocks to raise the water lev­el in a con­tain­er, prov­ing that Aesop knew what he was talk­ing about and that crows real­ly are the coolest birds Looking like … 

Morning Linkage (Aug 4)

Let’s see if I can remem­ber to spellcheck before send­ing this morn­ing, shall we? Photography We think of wild fires as being a phe­nom­e­na of the forest­ed west of the USA and Canada. Mediterranean coun­tries face their own fire sea­son. The Big Picture has images. More from Europe. An all com­ers heavy met­al fes­ti­val in Germany. (folk met­al?) …