Morning Linkage (Aug 27)

Transport Did you know that the wheel­ie was invent­ed by some guy on bicy­cle who was try­ing to fright­en a horse? Okay it’s just a draw­ing but it’s a gig­gle. OMG that’s fug­ly. Autotopia cap­tion con­test. And the cap­tions are lame. OMG that is *not* fug­ly. Swoon. —————- Objects of Design There were eight win­ners in … 

Morning Linkage (Aug 25)

Transportation The scram­bler is a great idea for a week­end toy. Here Touratech cre­ates a mod­ern take on the theme using a BMW F800. Texting and dri­ving is a bad idea. How can any­one think that build­ing traf­fic mashups while on the go is a good idea. ——————— Science Sunspots and solar mag­net­ic changes fascinate … 

Morning Linkage (Aug 24)

Technology Just in case there’s any­one who has­n’t seen this infor­ma­tion on extend­ing the win7 tri­al peri­od. There’s a new lap­top in my future. I just wish it could be this one. A built in graph­ic tablet would mean one less piece of hard­ware to try to find a space for when I’m on the road. ———————– …

Morning Linkage (Aug 20)

Tech and Design These solar pan­els make alien flower art at night. Austin, what you been drinkin’? Seattle has a cou­ple of aban­doned big box stores. Other parts of the coun­try have more. Many of them have clear or translu­cent roofs. Here’s a pro­pos­al to reuse those spaces for food pro­duc­tion. Instead of buy­ing con­sumer goods made … 

Morning Linkage (Aug 19)

Time lim­it­ed edi­tion. Covered is a blog that show­cas­es re-imaging of old com­ic book cov­ers. Most often point­less but I still read ti for gems like this Millie the Lovable Monster redo. No link to the source but these Japanese crayons look like they should be made of taffy not wax. Mikela Prevost has …