Morning Linkage (Sept 3)

Transport Unobtainable but bru­tal­ly love­ly. R51 spot­ted in Greece. ———————— Technology Open source hard­ware. How much stor­age for how lit­tle cash? Just in case you have a yen to start up a cloud stor­age com­pa­ny. Or own a tru­ly awe inspir­ing porn col­lec­tion. Opening up the Kindle. In this case run­ning Linux on it. … 

Morning Linkage (Sept 2)

It’s a big list today. So many inter­est­ing things going on in the world that beg to be logged. Transport German built H‑D side car rigs. Um, that’s weird. There’s been lots of talk about the 747 tanker being used to fight the fires in LA County. Here’s a round up of links to pics, videos, … 

Morning Linkage (Sept 1)

Technology and a lit­tle Transportation Skype is an impor­tant part of the ‘net ecol­o­gy espe­cial­ly in parts of the world where phone taps are ubiq­ui­tous. Various pro­grams have been writ­ten to allow inter­cept­ing and record­ing VOIP. Now the pro­gram­mer who wrote one of them has released his code to the pub­lic. Interesting results. If you are … 

Morning Linkage (Aug 31)

Design and Artifacts From Tokyo, a round up of Good Design 2009 win­ners. The auto­mat­ic meat fresh­ness indi­ca­tor is clever and use­ful. I want a cou­ple of the lamps list­ed sec­ond. There’s cute, clever, and head scratch­ing fur­ther on. I love tea in the morn­ing. The joy of watch­ing this lit­tle shark float around in my cup would … 

Morning Linkage (Aug 28)

Transportation Boeing’s Scan Eagle UAV gets put to civil­ian use dur­ing the Alaska wild fire sea­son. Video of the launch and recov­ery with infra-red fire spot­ting footage. Verra cool. This is the most unfor­tu­nate col­or scheme for a bike I have ever seen. Even John Deere gets the accent col­or for a green vehi­cle righter than …