Morning Linkage (Sept 14)

Transportation The Atom Bomb Doctor Who. Naming con­ven­tion remains a mys­tery but the bike is yum­my. 1861 United does a series of pun­ning ads for Yamaha. Love ’em. For a retro moto look, an album cov­er. ——————- Science The Benthic Rover does for the ocean floor what Spirit and Opportunity are doing for Mars. Only cool­er, and … 

Morning Linakge (Sept 10)

Transportation Honda has devel­oped a “dual clutch” auto-transmission for bikes. There’s a dia­gram at the bot­tom of the post that I’m still puz­zling out. It nev­er real­ly works but the gull wing sports car refus­es to die. This one is sex­i­er than most. A com­bi­na­tion of watch porn and auto­mo­tive his­to­ry. This stop watch is going … 

Morning Linkage (Sept 9)

Transportation Finally. A cus­tom that I would sell my Defender to own. Okay, maybe not the Defender but there are a cou­ple of Schnauzers on the block. Swoon. These are some sweet cross sec­tions of bits of the land­scape. Honda UK ads. Visualizing air traf­fic across the globe. 24 hours of avi­a­tion data. ———————- Industrial Design (or …

Morning Linkage (Sept 8)

Transportation Moving back­wards, as far as we are con­cerned. Samoans are now dri­ving on the left. Why? The abil­i­ty to import cheap used cars from their neigh­bors. A sweet lit­tle bob­ber from a Norton Atlas. This can’t be bad. For my next blue trin­ket I want this Bentley. Presenting the Mosquito, an elec­tric bike … 

Morning Linage (Sept 7)

Transport The Boner-Brigade Bike. Custom paint by David Gwyther, a gent more known for his skate decks. Be sure to click on the tiny next but­ton at the top. check out his “mus­cle bike” as well. ——————– Science If the sea rose 7 meters would your house become beach front prop­er­ty? An inter­ac­tive map makes is pos­si­ble for …