Morning Linkage (Sept 21)

Transport 2010 — Ducati brings us a Hypermotard. (Which BTW is a com­plete­ly sil­ly made up word.) Is this pic­ture for real? Or did they just grab what­ev­er looked kin­da like… On a small­er scale — here’s a run­ning repli­ca of the Honda 50. (lim­it­ed edi­tion of course.) Still cute as heck. For our youngest read­ers. (Surely we … 

Morning Linkage (Sept 18)

Transport OCC goes green(again) This time with Schnieder Electric. There was a video in the post but it’s been removed. Because, of course, OCC isn’t in the bike build­ing busi­ness they’re in the real­i­ty TV busi­ness. (Yes, I have an opin­ion.) So you’ll have to set­tle for this pho­to of the Siemans/OCC bike. Its sil­ver and kind … 

Morning Linkage (Sept 17)

Transportation This KTM con­cept bike is too future-freaky for com­fort. The TopSpeed review does­n’t make much sense of the bike. Old-skewl, shiny, prob­a­bly unrid­able. I don’t care. Drool wor­thy Indian. Czysz toots his own horn with the Motorcyclist cov­er­age of the I.C.E. Prettiest of the electrics? Possibly. Speaking of elec­tric trans­port. News we … 

Morning Linkage (Sept 16)

Transportation The future(?) is all red and swoopy in these five exam­ples of futur­is­tic design. I want a jet bike! Okay, all the green­ers want us to know that the future is pub­lic trans­porta­tion. Maybe if they can make all the bus­es as cool as these bus shel­ters. Erm, adver­tis­ing is promi­nent fea­ture in all of them. The … 

Morning Linkage (Sept 15)

Transportation The good moto stuff first. Another yum­my bike on Bike EXIF. They’re hit­ting my sweet spot late­ly. And it *races*. Outrageously luxe big V‑8s are a pas­sion of mine. Here’s anoth­er entry for my imag­i­nary garage. Sadly yet anoth­er exot­ic is get­ting the elec­tric treat­ment. Come-on folks, these cars were nev­er meant to hum along …