Morning Linkage (Sept 29)

Transportation A lit­tle some­thing for my TopGear fan friends. Where’s Waldo got noth­ing on this. Fiat Abarth, sigh. One of my first expe­ri­ences with sleep­er was a lit­tle Fiat 850 that ran like a scald­ed cat. Here’s what they are doing now. Wanna ral­ly? More extreme trans­port. In this case mov­ing the 200,000 pound anten­nas for the ALMA array in Chile. … 

Morning Linkage (Sept 28)

Transportation I go away for a cou­ple of days and the world pops out all these amaz­ing bikes. WrenchMonkees has been fea­tured here a bunch recent­ly. Danish design is not gen­er­al­ly asso­ci­at­ed with fab bikes — but here you are: Cute SR500 by Speed Junkie. (Caution this is SFW, oth­er things on this site are NSFW — you …