Morning Linkage (Oct 9)

Transportation The first road cer­ti­fied elec­tric motor­cy­cle. $9,950 will get you the Zero S or Zero all nice and street legal. There are some nifty tax breaks as well. The BMW C1 is back. As an elec­tric. Still laugh­able. Concepts cars you’re like­ly to see at the Tokyo motor show this year. Lots of lit­tle elec­tric urban run-abouts. I’m …

Morning Linkage (Oct 8)

Transportation Tea cer­e­monies are not some­thing we often asso­ciate with cus­tom bikes. Maybe we should. Old illus­tra­tions of motor­cy­cle from vin­tage books. I’ve already got an email in to my fav pur­vey­or of old book pr0n. On auc­tion at Bonhams. A 1954 BSA motor­ized tan­dem bicy­cle. More ped­al bike hot­ness. Belt dri­ve town­ie. Almost enough to make me … 

Morning Linkage (Oct 7)

Transportation Sweet CL350. Just because I like pret­ty things. Sometimes it’s inter­est­ing to look at our sport from the outsider’s per­spec­tive. Hypermotard is indeed a stu­pid word. I keep find­ing cool insect based art and arti­facts. A lit­tle help for those dull stripes and such that lit­ter the road­ways. Somewhat clever. —————– Society I once had a … 

Morning Linkage (Oct 5)

Transportation Apropos recent dis­cus­sions of police iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. Here’s a gallery of pix of the new bogey. Chevy Caprice cop cruis­er. Look close­ly, com­mit to mem­o­ry. Can’t quite put my fin­ger of the words I’m look­ing for to descripbe this one. Something about cats or dogs and break­fast. Why does fast have to be so ugly? Cute as … 

Morning Linkage (Oct 2)

Short List Day Transportation FIAT Yamaha debut total­ly bor­ing new liv­ery this week­end. Hardy a track can­di­date but very flow­ery. ———— Society Matt Burns mom has her own def­i­n­i­tion for lol. I think I“ll share her mis­in­ter­pre­ta­tion. (Hint: read the mes­sages start­ing at the bot­tom right. ———– Art and Images Women have been mak­ing impor­tant (FSVO) art …