Morning Linkage (Oct 19)

Transportation Grey fog­gy Mondays are a bitch. Here’s a much bet­ter look­ing bitch. On the elec­tric bike front. The tale of a cou­ple of guys try­ing to get from Detroit to DC to meet the prez on an Brammo Enertia. Follow their slow, outlet-to-outlet progress. Porsche’s fam­i­ly tree in cars and dust. I’m reserv­ing judg­ment on the Panamera … 

Morning Linkage (Oct 17)

Special Saturday Edition ——————— Transportation Can’t get enough of the big Duc’s iden­ti­ty cri­sis? Now it wants to be a GS and go out to play in the dirt on Saturday. Topspeed has un-watermarked copies of the pix in res­o­lu­tions suit­able for your win­ter desk­top wall­pa­per. Ducati North Beach had a take your pic­ture with the … 

Morning Linkage (Oct 14)

Transportation Wow, slow day. All I can give you is this. But hey, there are bikes in the back­ground. If you’re more inter­est­ed in long dis­tance trav­el this Nat’l Geo info-graphic is a nifty way to track 50 years of awe­some trips. CG has it right, go straight to the flickr ver­sion for close-ups. ——————- Infrastructure Is this … 

Morning Linkage (Oct 13)

Transportation I was all het up to be able to bring you pic­tures of the 2010 Ducati Stradaperta. Okay, so now you know what the head­light looks like. Not good. Life mag­a­zine brings you a col­lec­tion of pho­tographs of space­craft mod­els. From the sweet­ly adorable NASA  wood­en lunar mod­ule that opens the set to the nee­dle shaped … 

Morning Linkage (Oct 12)

Transportation Monday Morning Jump Start. First use of a Lambo to video/chase anoth­er Lambo? Turn it up. Sweet lit­tle essay on very ear­ly rac­ing. A cou­ple of nice pics too. Wrench Monkees is teas­ing with peepshow pic­tures of the next cou­ple of projects. Very nice retro restora­tion of a Honda CB450. Book end­ing the black Lamborghini, this CBR900 in …