Morning Linkage (Nov 12)

Transportation A love­ly trio of two and three wheel toys. There’s some­thing about the dreamy 50’s pas­tel style that I like so much. Not quite toys but wicked fun look­ing lit­tle bikes. Why don’t we get these sorts of things in the USA? And who writes KTM’s press releas­es? Not good. A world speed record hold­ing boat has been … 

Morning Linkage (Nov 11)

Transportation Japanese cus­tom mak­er M&M fea­tured this sly cus­tom Kawi W650 in July. (Site in Japanese) We’ve all seen the futur­is­tic trans­porta­tion in a sci-fi movie that has pods join­ing up on the free­way to make “trains.” The assump­tion is that this sort of con­stant­ly recon­fig­ur­ing con­voy would require mas­sive infra­struc­ture invest­ment and com­plex con­trol­ling soft­ware. Maybe not. … 

Morning Linkage (Nov 10)

Transportation Old school, TT, side­cars, and air. Can’t miss pic­ture. Making cus­tom bikes out of any­thing with a radi­a­tor is a chal­lenge. this CX500 gets close to per­fec­tion. Wrench mon­kees gets some qual­i­ty dig­i­tal print in the lat­est issue of El Diablo. Starting on page 11. Warning(s) oth­er por­tions of the El Diablo issue are NSFW and … 

Morning Linkage (Nov 9)

Transportation From old­est to newest: Two love­ly ladies set­ting out for a spin.  I think is staged (the bike is lean­ing against a wall and both girls are side-saddle.) None-the-less it’s going into my rota­tion of motor­cy­cle wall­pa­pers. In hon­or of a lot of things includ­ing a motor­cy­cle, a watch, and one of the Greatest … 

Morning Linkage (Nov 5)

Back in the coun­try and ready to serve up linky good­ness. We’re back at boys and girls. ————————– Transportation If you dig Marisa Miller, vin­tage pin-ups and H‑D motos then you’re going to have a good morn­ing. Be a men­sch, send the post­card to a sol­dier after you’re done with the drool­ing. It’s TT antic­i­pa­tion time. …