Morning Linkage (Nov 21)

Bonus time-waster Saturday edi­tion. ——————- Transportation Go Karts are the ulti­mate form of rac­ing. But grownups look a lit­tle sil­ly squished into their tiny frames. Just ask Schumacher and Piquet. ———————— The World. Gawker pull quote of the day. Tina on Lisa and Sarah. (Put the cof­fee down.) And those tricky Canadians are men­ac­ing our neigh­bor­hoods again. … 

Morning Linkage (Nov 18)

Transportation 1984 — the movie. Did you real­ize those thought police bikes were Vincents? Additional links to the back sto­ry on Cafe Racer Soc. Another e‑bike. This one with ped­als. I“m not sure where this more push-bike than moped fits into the hier­ar­chy of vehi­cles but it is sweet look­ing. Keeping you up to date … 

Morning Linkage (Nov 16)

Transportation Nov 1909. World record bro­ken. 200+ km/hr. Really. The Lightning Benz. It’s pret­ty too. I first found ‘lapin barcelona’ on Urban Sketchers and then again a cou­ple of days ago on Wrench Monkees. Sweet Flickr set of two wheel­ers. ————————- Technology There’s no way to make a sim­ple moral judg­men­tal about the use of cell …