Morning Linkage (Nov 26)

Transportation What hap­pens when a Road Star eats too much pie before bed? It dreams of get­ting that rad­i­cal face lift and look­ing like this. Go ahead and click through for the tech­ni­cal details but the jar­ring col­or con­trast with the magen­ta biki­ni might ruin your appetite. More sooth­ing­ly this Astin Martin DB4 GT is the … 

Morning LInkage (Nov 25)

Transportation Custom body­work tak­en to an extreme. In beau­ti­ful 1950 styling. A very brief ani­ma­tion of a con­cept bike explod­ing into planes. A cou­ple of the late stage stills are eye catch­ing. ——————– Science, Tech Attempts to com­mu­ni­cate with our future alien over­lords always seem ridicu­lous­ly human biased to me. This effort is a little … 

Morning Linkage (Nov 24)

Transportation A nice­ly done Harley from Denmark. The cop­per bits are dif­fer­ent. How does such a lit­tle coun­try man­age to have so may tal­ent­ed builders? From a clas­sic and exot­ic car shop in Australia comes a well doc­u­ment­ed 1966 Lambretta LI 125 Series 2. Amid a col­lec­tion of col­lectible fur­ni­ture are these gems. Clown bikes. Made me smile. … 

Morning Linkage (Nov 23)

Transportation This Cook Custom caught my eye this morn­ing. It is far more to the chop­per side of the cus­tom mar­ket than I am usu­al­ly drawn to but good is good, no mat­ter the genre. The pho­tog­ra­ph­er respon­si­ble for the above shot is Colleen Swartz at Digital Magic BigShots. Her Bikes and Builders port­fo­lios are excel­lent. The Girls …