Transportation American Motor Drome and the Wall of Death. And a woman named Sam who rides a ’31 Indian. Hitting the pages of the WSJ means something. In this case that motorcycles have blipped the radar of the rich and lovely. A couple of nice pics and some commentary. BMW goes with black and white …
Author Archives: lara
Morning Linkage (Dec 4)
Transportation Swoon. Motocrosser with saddle bags? Really confusing, and cool at the same time . Watch the video, but turn the sound waaay down first. Because I love you all so very much and you should all be as happy as the commuters in this 1958 Disney vision of the future of transportation. Really. ————————- Society …
Morning Linkage (Dec 2)
Transportation There’s a couple too many tarty bits and he should have taken the passenger pegs off, but this is my fav Bonneville treatment to date. There’s a good picture, some info on the BellaCorse site (last entry), and a few more details scrounged up by MCN. The ultimate in bike mounted cameras. This is how …
Morning Linkage (Dec 1)
Transportation Mystery bike on eBay. Combined Design Guzzi G7 Sport. Red is the best color for pretty things. Hell for Leather brings us a handful of photographs from the Red Bull Los Andes 2009. ——————— Art, Images, Animation Steve McQueen. At the beginning of his career, when his battle was with the world and not …
Morning Linkage (Nov 30)
Transportation The Mystery Machine gets a a new look in this zombie based remake. And Scoobie gets a breed change? (’cause that’s a doberman not a dane.) Get the T‑Shirt at Threadless. And while you’re shopping you might want to pick up one of these neat‑o patches. Now you’ll need a scooter to go with …