Morning Linkage (Jan 11)

Transportation A lit­tle bas­tard. CB160. omg cute. On the oth­er hand — this is awe­some­ness smack. Fast Kitty Superbike Showdown. (Animation — Sound) More here — and t‑shirts: ——————————– Architecture, Design I try to stay away from the kitchen pr0n. Too many cooks, too few HGTV addicts here­abouts. But these mas­sive kitchens sinks in cute coun­try kitchens… … 

Morning Linkage (Jan 4)

I’m flex­ing my fin­gers this morn­ing, get­ting back into the swing for you all. ———————— Transportation I love the lit­tle Piaggio Ape. Here’s a brochure for the 1979 ver­sion. (In Italian on a Japanese site.) The Pacific Northwest tri­als sea­son start­ed yes­ter­day with the Plastered Purple Penguin in Marysville. This ear­ly tri­aler , a Bulldog, looks … 

Morning Linkage (Dec 18)

Transportation Henrik Toth is weird. His hack is awe­some. Shiny, blocky, inter­est­ing sur­face treat­ments. Yeah the Batman men­tion is unavoid­able, but it’s bad ass none the less. Lamborghini Ankonian con­cept car. Chopper wiring dia­gram. Because we all need a lit­tle help with remem­ber­ing where the coil goes in the cir­cuit. (Page down — stu­pid big header.) ———————————– …