Morning Linkage (Jan 21)

Transportation Interesting take on how the TARP funds for trans­porta­tion should be spent. The groups spon­sor­ing the report have an ax to grind but the log­ic is good. More mon­ey for bus­es, less mon­ey for asphalt may equal more, bet­ter, longer last­ing jobs. Hmmm. It’s Blue, it’s French, that’s enough for me. There’s that mag­ic word ‘scram­bler’ …

Morning Linkage (Jan 13)

Transportation Some Lomographic pho­tos…of a very nice RD400. Yes, it’s orange. Don’t you want to meet the guys (and girls) behind this col­lec­tion of run­ning projects snapped out­side a din­er in Brooklyn last March? Roland Sands, meh. Nice cam­era work, awe­some sound track, sil­ly bike stunts, yay! (Sound) ——————– Science Having views of Earth from space is one …