Morning Linkage (Nov 12)

Vintage bike pics, and a vin­tage Norton Manx, sex in space (sor­ry.) The lying down game? Cut paper sil­hou­ettes, a Miro print. A lit­tle ani­ma­tion about find­ing friends and a longer ani­ma­tion about cre­at­ing the world. (Man-Doh, :snork:)

Morning Linkage (Nov 9)

Camel ads with motos, WSDOT’s many pic­tures, Art Deco vehi­cle design done right BMW R7 pro­to­type. Images of the brain, mak­ing an aes­thet­ic virtue of the prac­ti­cal neces­si­ty of wiring your liv­ing space, Nobuyuki Taguchi — black and white on the streets and col­or in the fac­to­ry. Fine autumn light in Belgium