Random Linkage (July 27)

A real­ly love­ly lit­tle side­car rig. Honda CB550. The rebuild is appro­pri­ate for the era and the paint is so sweet. via: BikeEXIF A look inside the mind of builder Dustin Kott. Cafe Racers from vin­tage Japanese bikes. By Benedict Campbell. via: Return of the Cafe Racers     From Emily Carrol who does dream­like comics … 

Random Linkage (July 17)

Villagers! vikings! Castles, swords, and … dinosaurs? Dinosaur Battle Town, Eddie West’s 4th year project will thrill the 4 year-old boy in everyone.Yeah, it remind­ed me of Howl’s Moving Castle just a lit­tle too.     The effec­tive­ness of sim­ple mate­ri­als used in a clever way. Paper, pens, scis­sors. Not to men­tion the charm­ing not quite English … 

Random Linkage (April 3)

Talented dancer, com­pos­er, and film-maker. Daniel  (cloud) Campos. “Music Box’  about find­ing the per­fect apart­ment, the vid fea­tured at the moment will make you smile. If you can bring your­self to watch “Rain Dodger” you’ll get a gig­gle but it may be too much for many con­sid­er­ing the ridicu­lous rain we’re hav­ing right now. More envi­ron­men­tal sound. … 

Morning Linkage (Feb 7)

JAWA, Veon — mor­phin’ like a pow­er ranger, and pret­ty girls on bikes. NASA lets you exper­i­ment with plan­e­tary para­me­ters. A sec­ond Raphael, some odd­ly famil­iar images in old Japanese post­cards, a Keds wear­ing croc­o­dile. Taking walk on the floor.