Why is everybody so down on Hallmark? Aren’t we inarticulate enough without denying us the chance to have someone help us to speak?
Author Archives: lara
The Books of March
Reviews of McCourt’s Angela’s Ashes, Donaldson’s Culture Clash, Brown’s The Gifts of Imperfection, and Valente’s The Orphan’s Tales.
The Books of February
The books of February: The Japanese Lover, a Sedaris, Partly Cloudy Patriots, Nothing in Reserve, Pulphead, Loitering, and Radiance. I Was Promised There’s be Cake.
Books of December and January
Reading M Train, My Life on the Road, Casablanca, Song Dogs, Mycroft Holmes, Radiance, and The Bone Clocks.
The Pretty Girl in the Room
At certain points in every girl’s life gender politics force choices between the male world and the female world. Between girlfriends and guy friends. Between the sometimes fickle loyalty of female friends and the weirdly nonchalant allegiance of male friends. I long ago opted for the male world. Frankly, men are more fun. They have …