I want to kiss the moon

photograph of the moon - side lit.

source image:https://www.astropix.org/image/eso/eso9903c
European Southern Observatoryl
I want to kiss the moon
the way I used to want a smoke
to have its light fill my throat 
	and steady my
thudding heart 

I want to feel the moon’s
cold breath
	in my ear
as it whispers all my secrets back to me
and to hear the stars mutter 
	their threats
and sing of terror 
	and nightmares
those horses of my dreams
running blind in the desert

I want the dry kiss of the moon 
	on the back of my neck
as it calls the predators in from the woods
wolves who raise the dead from the earth
and set them to following me

I want to kiss the moon
the way the moon kisses the sun
to cover it with my darkness
until only a halo shows
	a gold glow through
the smoke-hazed clouds

I want to kiss the moon,
will the moon kiss me back?

Originally pub­lished on The Laundry Line. Subscribe to get more poet­ry weekly. 
