Letter Home — 29 Jan, 2019

I nev­er could get the hang of Thursday”

Arthur Dent

Thursday is easy. It is pre­ced­ed by Wednesday and fol­lowed by Friday.
Wednesday is the piv­ot point of the week. The day of look­ing for­ward to the work I have to do and look­ing back to see how much of my to-do list I have accom­plished. Wednesday is that ris­ing feel­ing that I won’t get it all done.

Thursday is the day of defeat. Wednesday’s ris­ing sense of doom set­tles in with a detailed list of those things that will not get done. 

Friday is just “do the best you can.”

Monday is, of course, the day of hope­ful opti­mism. The day of find­ing all the Things and putting them onto a tidy to-do list and knock­ing off the first one

But Tuesday — what the hell is Tuesday? Tuesday is the day of shift­ing pri­or­i­ties as every­one else’s Monday to-do list col­lides with yours (con­fu­sion, anx­i­ety.) It can be a day of tick­ing the box­es on the to-do list (pride.) A day of plug­ging along on some big project (var­i­ous­ly: accom­plish­ment, bore­dom, or utter pan­ic.) Or, it can be a day of wait­ing for the inputs and replies (bore­dom and fid­gety nothingness.)

I nev­er know what sort of day Tuesday is going to be. How can I antic­i­pate my (emo­tion­al) mind set on a day with so many variables?

No, I nev­er could get the hang of Tuesday. 

Which prob­a­bly says more about my need for emo­tion­al pre­dictabil­i­ty than it does about Tuesday. 
