Oranges — John McPhee

One of the orig­i­nal “things” essays. It didn’t age all that well. I was hop­ing from some­thing much more accom­plished and much less out of date. I didn’t note the pub­li­ca­tion date when I bought the book.
I don’t think that I would rec­om­mend it. People have got­ten much bet­ter at telling the sto­ry of “things” sees Salt, and Red, etc. Though our cen­turies old fas­ci­na­tion with cit­rus fruit remains an inter­est­ing obses­sion and the book has a good deal of back ground infor­ma­tion on the his­to­ry of oranges. Just not much up to date material.
(Pub. 1975)
* there are bet­ter “things” stories * 
