We’re finally in Mexico after an overnight delay caused by not having a flight attendant.
So I have to ask — is this really visiting a foreign country? When the first thing that you do after the inevitable post-flight-hangover nap is walk down the block to the grocery store to buy provisions? When you can find everything you want at the grocery store? And none of the products is so amazingly strange that you’re going to think of them for days afterward wondering just what they might be?
On the other hand I’m completely cut off linguistically. My Spanish goes not further than ordering beer and getting a cab to take me to a limited number of destinations. (No improvisational side trips, please.)
The first day is always a little odd. Soul lag I think someone explained it as. Actually that was an explanation for jet lag. That the soul can’t fly as fast as the body in a jet and so it gets left behind and you feel all funny and out of sorts while you’re waiting for it to catch up with you. The first day in Mexico feels a little like that. You have a list of things you have to take care of. Like the grocery store and the going to the bank to get money, but you’re too tired and the altitude is too much (we’re above Denver here) to make running right out and _doing_ things a good idea. So you sit around with a little beer and a bag of peanuts and your laptop and talk to your partner about who the other guests are and secretly wonder if you’ll like any of them and debate where to go for dinner. Should we go to one of the places you’ve been looking forward to revisiting, or is it waste to do that the first night because, well it’s the first night and my soul is still stuck in a pattern somewhere over Houston trying to figure out how to make it the rest of the way south to join me in the sunshine.
Today the temp is getting to be close to 90.
We have beer. Bohemia oscuro. Which is vaguely better than no beer. But not by much. Good beer is something that you have to go to town to get. Or different grocery store.
And then a bird took a crap on my computer. Right on the caps lock key. I’m sure that signifies something.