Unintentional Poetry

Every now and again I redis­cov­er some long for­got­ten cor­ner of my vasty web empire and have to clean out an over­grown com­ments mod­er­a­tion queue. For a while there was a rash of spam com­ments made up of seem­ing­ly ran­dom bits of strung togeth­er prose. They stopped appear­ing a cou­ple years ago. But I recent­ly found a trove of them on a pho­to­blog I’d moth­balled. Herewith I present. 


man­i­fes­ta­tion unsung natur­ism funer­ary unknown rum gore infield vizier supernatural …

Jackets with still exter­nals can be jad­ed for all sea­sons, on angry days and on chill­ing days with lay­ers under­neath to require…

knowl­edge of is among the more attrac­tive heat­ing ele­ments anger class­es in illi­nois as well as know about for­get about in…

All roads lead to Rome.

Every Jack will find his Jill.


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