If you’ve got 25 minutes to kill and the desire for a new career in the exciting field of military aviation you might want to sit down with this video. Or maybe if you need at a look of the unfortunate history of humor and pretty girls in training films. 1943 Army Air Forces P‑47 Thunderbolt training video. That really is worth a watch for plane fiends. (Video 24:41)
For my SuperMoto loving friends. The Black Pearl. But could you go out and get this one all dirty?
Pure, unadulterated yum. BSA Gold Star Daytona Special. Because sometime restoration is way more effective than customizing.
Must be something about the holiday hangover but I can’t wrap my mind around any sort of serious science news. Instead you get shit like this… io9 writers and commenters rule the world (again.) Why we need to do real, experimental science. Involves giraffes and water and no computers.
More helpfully, and more seriously. An insightful deconstruction of the subtle aids that Google maps use to make their maps the most readable maps on the web. (Arguably.)
Art, Images, and Design
Jim Flora did this Baba Yaga late in his life. Wonderful depiction of the wise old witch.
Tangentially, I was watching a documentary recently and saw a picture of the cover of Charlie Parker’s Charlie Parker with Strings. Not my fav Bird album but the art work is way cool. So I went looking… David Stone Martin did tons of the covers that I remember from my childhood. Including the one at the top of the post. (NSFW — artistic nudes)
Pop-up fairy tales in French. Not at all what you’re expecting.