Morning Linkage (Jan 12)


A Hermann visu­al from one of the Jeremiah books. Post-apocalyptic moto.

Hacky-sack wheels for a lit­tle moon rover. Too cute.

I should­n’t like this bike. I real­ly should­n’t but… all that elec­tric blue and sense­less pro­por­tions. Yippee. Honda 305 Dream.

To make up for that — from the same web­site, the very next entry is this love­ly bob­ber based on the Danish mark Nimbus.

Science (and Food and Advice)

Finally a GMO food that the food­ies can get behind. Engineering bet­ter choco­late. Srlsy.

Good advice at that.

Art, Images, and Design

Funny? Sad? Clever? Visual puns of Brett Weber. The moon’s trou­ble with his gold­fish is both the fun­ni­est and the saddest.

I am com­plete­ly enam­ored of the idea of “dis­or­der­ing” the struc­ture of paper, using a tat­too gun.

These huge images cre­at­ed on lay­ered panes of glass are fas­ci­nat­ing but per­haps not in a friend­ly way. Xia Xiaowan draws with col­ored pen­cil on glass plates that are then lay­ered up in floor racks. The chang­ing per­spec­tive as you walk around the piece lends an even creepi­er aura to some already pret­ty dis­turb­ing pieces. (Possible NSFW — grotesqueries.)


From PESThe Deep. Old tools under­sea life. Wait ’til you see the angler fish.

(Much more PES. )
